Legal Status of International Organizations

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title:Legal Status of International Non-Governmental Organizations in Europe

Sir Dudley Smith, Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Appendix 3.6 of the International Associations Statutes Series vol 1, UIA eds (1988)

In 1985 the Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe supplied the following explanatory memorandum (1) concerning its opinion on the European Convention in its draft form. The Rapporteur for the Committee was Sir Dudley Smith.

Sir Dudley Smith

title:International Non-governmental Organizations and their Legal Status

Report by Marcel Merle (Professor at University Paris-1)
Appendix 3.5 of the International Associations Statutes Series vol 1, UIA eds (1988)

The following report by Marcel Merle (Professor at University Paris-1) was presented to the "Colloquy on the role of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in contemporary society" (Strasbourg, February 1983), organised under the auspices of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1).

Marcel Merle

title:International Associations Statutes Series

The first volume of this series includes the official texts of 393 statutes of international nongovernmental organizations of Types A, B and C of the Yearbook of International Organizations, namely bodies with membership in countries in at least two continents. The series covers statutes in a variety of forms. It does not however include internal regulations such as "by-laws", unless there is no other constitutional document. Priority is given to the English language version of statutes.


title:Report to the Study Committee on Legal Status of the Conference of Non-Governmental Consultative Organizations

Report prepared on the legal status of international non-governmental organizations. The text of a proposed draft resolution for the General Assembly of the United Nations and the text of a proposed draft convention appeared as annexes to the report.
J P Niboyet
L Kopelmanas


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