By holding regular events, the UIA serves as a platform for networking and mutual learning, thus strengthening ties among civil society actors and enabling exchange with the business world. Our Round Tables are a unique occasion for participants to connect with, and learn from, each other, and our Online Masterclasses offer in-depth information relevant for all international associations.

Over the years, the Associations Round Tables, regularly organized by the UIA, have become one of the most important events for those involved in international associations to meet, exchange ideas and network. Every round table addresses a number of issues encountered by associations worldwide, regardless of their size or specific concern. They present valuable insights for improving the functioning of organizations as well as new perspectives on current topics. Particularly for smaller associations, our round tables have proven to be an invaluable source of information.

Each Round Table consists of lectures, workshops and discussion groups for participants to exchange experience and knowledge. High-profile speakers involved in operating associations provide substantial information and new insights on topical issues and/or share their expertise in meeting challenges in areas such as membership, communication, funding, and governance.

Thanks to our partners, we can keep registration fees low for association representatives, thus enabling delegates from all associations to attend. From the feedback on past events, we are confident that participants go home with new ideas, increased motivation, and new connections with whom they want to stay in touch.

Additional training and information opportunities for organizations are provided by our Online Masterclasses throughout the year. In this dynamic format, general as well as region-specific topics addressing new developments may be presented and discussed. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about forthcoming events.