By documenting international associations for more than a century, the UIA has become the largest nongovernmental repository for current and historical information on global civil society.
The UIA’s main activity is the documentation of the work of international associations in order to record the nature and evolution of global civil society. The resulting Global Civil Society Database, created over the course of 100 years, is the most comprehensive source of reliable information on international associations, their activities and concerns. The database is continuously updated and expanded.
Major publications derived from this wealth of knowledge are the Yearbook of International Organizations, an authoritative overview of international associations worldwide, the International Congress Calendar, a repository of past, present and future association events, and the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, an experimental research work, uniting a vast range of world problems, action strategies and human values to develop sustained and holistic solutions. In total, our interlinked databases on international organizations, international meetings, and world problems and solutions are a powerful tool for understanding the complexity of global issues and the policy environment.
The UIA’s activities are of particular relevance for international associations, academics and researchers as well as the meetings industry. For associations, we serve as a clearinghouse, promoting public awareness of their work. Our Associations Round Table is an opportunity for global society actors to learn from each other, exchange ideas and information, and form tighter networks.
In our cooperation with universities and research institutes from around the world, we assist post-graduate students and researchers from a wide range of disciplines. We host free online resources such as the Civil Society Glossary and the IGO Search Engine allowing you to search the websites of all intergovernmental organizations. In addition to our major reference publications, we also provide customized data tailored to specific needs.
Our main focus with the meetings industry is to promote networking between associations and industry bodies. We publish our annual International Meetings Statistics Report, a regular Survey on International Association Meeting Issues, and provide Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities. For a sustained collaboration and long-term partnership, we offer three categories of Associate Membership with attractive benefits.