Legal Status of International Organizations

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title:Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons

Appendix 5.5 of the International Associations Statutes Series vol 1, UIA eds (1988)

The General Assembly of the United Nations, on 14 December 1973, approved for signature the text of a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons (including Diplomatic Agents) (1). Amongst other categories, this covers ["any official or other agent of an international organization of an intergovernmental character"] (Article 1). The Convention came into force 20 February 1977. The text is reproduced below.


title:Projet de Règlement du Conseil portant création de l'Association Européenne

(preliminary draft) Motion tabled by MEP L Eyraud

Appendix 4.13 of the International Associations Statutes Series vol 1, UIA eds (1988)

In November 1984 Louis Eyraud, Member of the European Parliament, tabled a Motion for a Resolution on "the role and administration of associations and the law governing them in the European Community". This was one of the bases for a report by the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (see Appendix 3.7), which resulted in the adoption of the Resolution (reproduced in Appendix 4.12).

MEP L Eyraud

title:European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of INGOs

Council of Europe / Conseil de l'Europe

Appendix 4.11 of the International Associations Statutes Series vol 1, UIA eds (1988)

Note: in force as of 1 January 1991 (signatory nations): Treaty open for ratification by the member states and for accession by non-member states


Council of Europe


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