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Religious Practice → Bishops

Organizations relating to Bishops

Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa / Abuja, Nigeria / Est. 2007
Federation of Catholic Bishops' Conferences of Oceania / Waigani, Papua New Guinea / Est. 1992
Episcopal Secretariat of Central America / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 1970
Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas / New York NY, USA / Est. 1960
Congregation for Bishops / Vatican City, Vatican
Fellowship of Asian Methodist Bishops / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 1988
Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Est. 1980
Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation / St Louis MO, USA / Est. 1958
Koordinierungstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz für Internationale Entwicklung und Mission / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1963
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church / Charlotte NC, USA / Est. 1796
Catholic Bishops' Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands / Waigani, Papua New Guinea / Est. 1959
Archbishop of Sydney's Anglican Aid / Sydney NSW, Australia
Bischöfliche Aktion ADVENIAT / Essen, Germany / Est. 1961
Pan African Episcopal Conference
Conférence des évêques du Sénégal, de la Mauritanie, du Cap-Vert et de Guinée-Bissau / Dakar, Senegal
Symposium des évêques d'Europe
Dutch Bishops' Lenten Campaign / Est. 1961
Episcopal Council for Global Mission / Est. 1990
Commission épiscopale de coopération apostolique
Bishop Bekker Institute / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 1992
Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa / New York NY, USA / Est. 1956
Comité européen des cardinaux
Commission épiscopale des missions à l'extérieur
Caribbean Synod of the Lutheran Church in America / San Juan, Puerto Rico
Episcopal Partnership for Global Mission / Est. 2000
Episcopal Medical Missions Foundation / Canyon Lake TX, USA / Est. 1992
Association of Episcopal Conferences of Madagascar and the Islands / Antananarivo, Madagascar
Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano / Bogota, Colombia / Est. 1955
Association des conférences épiscopales de l'Afrique centrale / Farciennes, Belgium / Est. 1984
Inter-Territorial Catholic Bishops' Conference / Freetown, Sierra Leone / Est. 1971
Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1961
Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference / Pretoria, South Africa / Est. 1947
Conférence des évêques de la région du Nord de l'Afrique / Rabat, Morocco / Est. 1967
Nordisk Bispekonferance / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1960
Council of European Bishops' Conferences / St Gallen, Switzerland / Est. 1971
Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences / Hong Kong, Hong Kong / Est. 1970
Conférence épiscopale régionale de l'Afrique de l'Ouest francophone / Est. 1963
Synod of Bishops / Vatican City, Vatican / Est. 1965
German Catholic Bishops' Organisation for Development Cooperation / Aachen, Germany / Est. 1958
Association of Episcopal Conferences of Anglophone West Africa / Est. 1977
Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1980
Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa / Harare, Zimbabwe / Est. 1975
Netzwerk Afrika Deutschland / Bonn, Germany / Est. 1998
Central and Southern Europe Central Conference - The United Methodist Church / Zurich, Switzerland / Est. 1954
Lambeth Conference of Bishops of the Anglican Communion / London, UK / Est. 1867
Rencontre d'évêques des plus grandes villes d'Europe
European Women's Synod / Driebergen, Netherlands
Episcopal Relief and Development / New York NY, USA / Est. 1940
Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1969
International Old Catholic Bishops' Conference / Amersfoort, Netherlands / Est. 1889

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