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Defence → NATO Bodies

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Organizations relating to NATO Bodies

Confédération interalliée des officiers de réserve / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1948
NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force Command / Geilenkirchen, Germany / Est. 1980
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe / Shape, Belgium / Est. 1951
North Atlantic Council / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1949
Allied Command Transformation / Norfolk VA, USA
Allied Command Operations / Shape, Belgium / Est. 1951
NATO Programming Centre / Est. 1970
NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Organization / Brunssum, Netherlands / Est. 1978
Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Unit / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1998
KFOR / Pristina, Kosovo / Est. 1999
Allied Joint Force Command Naples / Naples, Italy / Est. 1951
Partnership for Peace / Est. 1994
Norwegian Atlantic Committee / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1955
Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft / Bonn, Germany / Est. 1956
Western European Logistics Group / Est. 1970
NATO Association of Canada / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1966
Joint Meetings of CPC and ACC
NATO Agreement on the Communication of Technical Information for Defence Purposes / Est. 1970
NATO Joint Civil/military Frequency Agreement / Est. 1995
Middle East NATO / Est. 1990
Allied Forces Baltic Approaches / Est. 1962
Mediterranean Cooperation Group / Est. 1997
Peace Through NATO / Est. 1983
Multinational Military Implementation Force / Est. 1995
Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1998
NATO Support and Procurement Agency / Capellen, Luxembourg / Est. 1958
Netherlands Atlantic Association / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1952
Baltic Battalion / Riga, Latvia / Est. 1994
Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum / Brunssum, Netherlands / Est. 1951
NATO Parliamentary Assembly / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1955
Euro Atlantic Partnership Council / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1991
Eurocorps / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1992
Association internationale des anciens agents, retraités de l'OTAN et de leurs ayants-droits / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1987
Confédération Interalliée des Officiers Médicaux de Réserve / Est. 1947
NATO Defense College / Rome, Italy / Est. 1951
NATO Watch / Est. 2009
NATO SCHOOL Oberammergau / Oberammergau, Germany / Est. 1953
Confederation of NATO Retired Civilian Staff Associations / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2002
North Atlantic Treaty Organization / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1949
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps / Gloucester, UK / Est. 1992
Anciens Association of the NATO Defense College / Rome, Italy / Est. 1955

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