Societal Problems → Safety
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Safety is the state of being protected from harm or other danger. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.
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Organizations relating to Safety
World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry / Odense, Denmark / Est. 1991
European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines / Leigh on Sea, UK / Est. 2007
International Life Saving Federation - Asia/Pacific / Leuven, Belgium
Nordisk Kärnsäkerhetsforskning / Røskilde, Denmark / Est. 1977
Central European Air Traffic Services / Est. 1997
Joint Committee on Structural Safety / Aalborg, Denmark / Est. 1971
Nordic Committee for Coordination of Electrical Safety Matters / Tønsberg, Norway / Est. 1963
European Crisis Management Academy / Leiden, Netherlands / Est. 2000
International Committee Buchenwald Dora and Commandos / Montreuil, France / Est. 1952
European Feed and Food Ingredients Safety Certification / Brussels, Belgium
Flight Safety Foundation / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1945
Survival International / London, UK / Est. 1969
European Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations / Wigston, UK / Est. 2001
Taiga Rescue Network / Est. 1992
Safe Injection Global Network / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1999
European Safety and Reliability Association / Stavanger, Norway / Est. 1986
Fundación Iberoamericana de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 2000
International Network for Planning and Improving Quality and Safety in Health Systems in Africa / Bordeaux, France / Est. 2006
Asian Nuclear Safety Network / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2002
European Patient Safety Foundation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2013
Caribbean Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System / Kingston, Jamaica / Est. 2008
European and Central Asian Safety Network / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2016
Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2009
Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network / Vienna, Austria
Nordic Research Network for Safety and Quality in Healthcare / Est. 2008
European Centre for Disaster Awareness with the Use of Internet, Cyprus / Nicosia, Cyprus
Centre d'études sur la sécurité internationale et les coopérations européennes / Grenoble, France
European Centre of Technological Safety / Kiev, Ukraine
Africa Safe Water Foundation / Lagos, Nigeria
International Humanitarian Centre for Rehabilitation of Survivors after Chernobyl Disaster / Kiev, Ukraine / Est. 1994
American Rescue Team International / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 1985
Lighthouse International / Est. 1905
International Ship Masters' Association / Avon Lake OH, USA / Est. 1886
Veterans of Safety International / Warrensburg MO, USA / Est. 1941
Centre for Safety and Development / Amersfoort, Netherlands / Est. 2004
Landmine Survivors Network / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1995
Maurice Pate Institute for Human Survival / Redding CT, USA
International Academy of Environmental Safety / San Diego CA, USA / Est. 1971
International Parliament for Safety and Peace / Palermo, Italy / Est. 1975
International Space Safety Foundation / San Francisco CA, USA
Global Refuge / Arvada CO, USA / Est. 2001
Regional Asia-Pacific Secretariat for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Organized Violence / Est. 1991
Arab Society of Environmental Health and Safety / Cairo, Egypt
International Commission of the Cape Spartel Light in Tanger / Est. 1865
Association for Improvement of Safety / Est. 1998
Nordens Livredningsforbund
Mission International Rescue Foundation / West Palm Beach FL, USA / Est. 1990
International Network for Safety Assurance of Fuel Cycle Industries / Est. 2000
Asociación Latinoamericana de Seguridad / Miami FL, USA
Divers Alert Network Asia-Pacific / Ashburton VIC, Australia / Est. 1994
View all profiles (615 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Safety
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialInadequate motorcycle control
Substandard shipping vessels
Unsafe genetically modified food
Abortion-related deaths of mothers
Polluted drinking water
Unsafe aircraft
Unsafe design of consumer products
Discrimination against women in health care
Unsafe blood-related products
Accumulation of capital
Dumping radioactive substances
Inadequate facilities for disposal of nuclear warheads
Limited horizons produced by survival living
Work-related injury
Dangerous countries
Individual unfitness for survival
Threat of birds to aircraft safety
Continued operation of unsafe motor vehicles
Action Strategies relating to Safety
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialGuarding
Promoting safety for older people at home
Campaigning against hazardous waste disposal
Researching tourism and road safety
Professionalizing road safety management
Educating about safe sex practices
Researching food safety
Preserving old growth forests
Promoting safe motherhood
Researching cross-cultural differences in road safety
Setting safety standards for sea travel
Saving rainforests
Setting safety standards
Reducing child mortality
Preventing occupational accidents
Setting safety standards for air travel
Promoting road safety
Protecting refugees
Demanding safe legal abortion
Promoting public safety
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