Global civil society activity in Bordeaux, France

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Meetings Statistics

From UIA's International Meetings Statistics Report

20 years

Bordeaux is ranked #160 over a 20 year period,
with 283 meetings since 2004.


Bordeaux is ranked #158 for 2023, with 9 meetings.

Organizations based in Bordeaux

European Society for Vascular Surgery Est. 1987

Association for Paediatric Education in Europe Est. 1970

Association des Régions Européennes des Produits d'Origine Est. 2004

International Network for Planning and Improving Quality and Safety in Health Systems in Africa Est. 2006

Groupe francophone de réanimation et urgences pédiatriques

Renaissance des cités d'Europe Est. 1987

Institut de formation et d'appui aux initiatives de développement

Association Mézièriste Internationale de Kinésithérapie Est. 1970

Electronic Data Interchange European User Group for the Vine and Wine Sectors Est. 1994

Réseau européen d'arbitrage et de médiation

Médecins pour tous les hommes Est. 1982

Fondation internationale des tropiques


Centre de recherches sur l'Espagne et le monde hispanique, Bordeaux Est. 1975

Centre international francophone de documentation et d'information Est. 1972

Conférence des régions du Sud Europe atlantique

European Cardiosleep Society Est. 2015

Jardins botaniques de France et des pays francophones Est. 1979

European Vascular Surgeons in Training Est. 2006

Société de neuropsychologie de langue française Est. 1977

Assemblée des Régions Européennes Fruitières, Légumières et Horticoles Est. 2000

Association des léprologues de langue française Est. 1959

Association des épidémiologistes de langue française Est. 1976

Organisation des transporteurs routiers européens Est. 2000

Association francophone d'éducation comparée Est. 1973

View More profiles (29 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Future Events in Bordeaux

2026 Annual MeetingOrganization for Human Brain Mapping

2025 International Research Conference on Social EconomyCentre international de recherches et d'information sur l'économie publique, sociale et coopérative

2025 European Fusarium Seminar (EFS)European Fusarium Seminar

2025 World Filtration Congress (WFC)World Filtration Congress

2025 International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI)International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction

2024 World General AssemblyInternational Network of Basin Organizations

2024 CongrèsSociété Francophone de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation

View More Future Events (7 total) in The International Congress Calendar

Past Events in Bordeaux

2024 Annual Conference – Centro Studi sulle Nuove Religioni
2024 General Assembly – European Association of Dairy Trade
2024 Conference – European Brand and Packaging Design Association
2024 Annual Congress – European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
2024 Cartoon Movie Forum – CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film
2024 Annual Excipients Forum – International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Europe
2024 Congress – Association internationale de formation et de recherche en éducation familiale
2023 International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS) – International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security
2023 Woodrise Congress – Woodrise Alliance
2023 Congress – Association Internationale des Avocats du Football
2023 ICED : International Conference on Engineering Design – Design Society, the
2023 Conference on Plasmy Physics – European Physical Society
2023 International Conference on the Science and Applications of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials (NT) – International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes
2023 Assises européennes de la transition énergétique – Assises européennes de la transition énergétique
2023 General Assembly – Euromaisiers
2023 Symposium – Falk Foundation
2023 Cartoon Movie Forum – CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film
2022 Congress – European Society of Surgical Oncology
2022 Fall Meeting – International Poultry Council
2022 Workshop – International Stroke Genetics Consortium
2022 Conference – European Society for Biomaterials
2022 International Agriculture Innovation Conference – International Association for Agricultural Sustainability
2022 Epigraphy at the 21st century – International Association for Greek and Latin Epigraphy
2022 Colloque – Groupement des anthropologistes de langue française
2022 European Organic Congress – IFOAM EU Group

View More Past Events (729 total) in The International Congress Calendar

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