Global civil society activity in Montreuil, France

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Meetings Statistics

From UIA's International Meetings Statistics Report

20 years

Montreuil is ranked #2522 over a 20 year period,
with 3 meetings since 2004.


Montreuil is ranked #1283 for 2023, with 0 meetings.

Organizations based in Montreuil

International Committee Buchenwald Dora and Commandos Est. 1952

African Network on HIV/AIDS - Europe

EuroMed Non-Governmental Platform

Research Institute on the Non-Violent Resolution of Conflicts Est. 1984

Craftsmen of the World Federation Est. 1974

Refugee Children of the World Est. 1981

Groupe de recherche et de réalisations pour le développement rural dans le Tiers-monde Est. 1969

Comité d'aide médicale et de parrainage sans frontières Est. 1990

Afrique verte

Europe Écologie - Les Verts

Dentistes sans frontières, France Est. 1981

Institut international d'éducation culturelle et sportive Est. 1976

Réseau femmes et développement

International Liaison Committee of Engineers, Supervisory and Managerial Staff and Technicians Est. 1975

Centre d'étude de recherche et de cooperation internationale Louis Saillant, Montreuil

Bibliothèques Sans Frontières Est. 2007

Eau vive Est. 1978

International Energy and Mines Organization Est. 1996

Trade Unions International of Agriculture, Food, Commerce, Textile and Allied Industries Est. 1996

Coalition Eau

Fédération Euro-Méditerranéenne contre les Disparitions Forcées Est. 2000

FMDV Est. 2010

ATAF - Association internationale de transporteurs aériens Est. 1950

International Coalition for the Abolition of Surrogate Motherhood Est. 2018

EUROPAN Est. 1988

View More profiles (31 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Past Events in Montreuil

2021 E15/E16 Inter-sessions Forum – EUROPAN
2008 Meeting – European Green Party
2007 Conference – Ecosocialist International Network
1997 Social consensus and its role in drug policy – European Cities on Drug Policy
1993 International symposium on the child and the city as seen in children's books
1987 Children and today's world – International Institute for Cultural and Athletic Training

View More Past Events (6 total) in The International Congress Calendar

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