International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Subred de Fauna del Cono Sur

Santiago Chile U gx XK2051

Subregional Maize Research Network for Eastern and Southern Africa

U d XU1990

Subregional Technical Cooperation Network on Utilization of Natural Resources in the Semi-Arid Chaco Region

1979 U dg XF0689

Subud International Almoners

U d XG2135

Sudanic Refugee Organization

SRO Kokkedal Denmark U x XN3631


SOI 1930 U dj XN2920

Sufi Women Organization

SWO 1993 San Rafael CA USA U vx XK1489

Sugar Group of the Caribbean Basin Initiative

1981 U gx XN0859

Sugarmark International

1971 Brussels Belgium U dy XE5003


U x XU0375

Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut

1939 Amsterdam Netherlands U jx XN1596

Summit Conference of Major Cities of the World

Major Cities' Summit 1985 U d XF1511

Summit Council for World Peace

1981 New York NY USA U x XE4391

Summit of the Americas Center

SOAC U d XG6693

Sun Life International Leaders' Association

U x XJ3264

Sun Myung Moon Institute

SMMI 1982 U dj XG8928

SUNSAT Energy Council

1978 U d XF5026

Suomen Toimikunta Euroopan Turvallisuuden Edistamiseksi

STETE 1970 U d XM2118

SUPCON International

Woodridge IL USA U x XN4645

Super Club International

U x XE1553

Supercat Race Association International

1980 U x XN3092

Supply-Chain Council

SCC 1996 U d XM1213

Support Center International

New York NY USA U x XG0233

Support Centre for Food Development

SCFD 1994 U d XG4497

Support Group of the Peace Process in Colombia

U gx XJ1071
