International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Alliance for Health Promotion

A4HP 1997 Versoix Switzerland A y XJ2398

Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences

CIOMS 1949 Geneva Switzerland A y XA0431

FDI - World Dental Federation

1900 Geneva Switzerland A y XA1788

Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques

FIEC 1948 Fribourg Switzerland A y XA2030

International Association for the Study of the Liver

IASL 1958 Seoul Korea Rep A y XB1240

International Co-operative Alliance

ICA 1895 Brussels Belgium A y XA1710

International Committee of Historical Sciences

ICHS 1926 Turin Italy A y XA1582

International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication

IFTC 1958 Paris France A y XA2054

International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences

CIPSH 1949 Tomar Portugal A y XA1728

International Council of Voluntary Agencies

ICVA 1962 Geneva Switzerland A y XA1762

International Council on Social Welfare

ICSW 1928 Madrid Spain A y XA1771

International Disability Alliance

IDA 1999 Geneva Switzerland A y XF6792

International Fair Play Committee

1963 Budapest Hungary A y XA4499

International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures

1928 A y XA1831

International Federation of Foot and Ankle Societies

IFFAS 1965 Schaumburg IL USA A y XD6203

International Federation of Language Teacher Associations

1931 London UK A y XA1959

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

IFLA 1927 The Hague Netherlands A y XA1945

International Federation of Philosophical Societies

FISP 1948 Bari Italy A y XA2011

International Music Council

IMC 1949 Paris France A y XA2277

International Pediatric Association

IPA 1910 Marengo IL USA A y XA2336

International Science Council

ISC 2018 Paris France A y XM6956

International Statistical Institute

ISI 1885 The Hague Netherlands A jy XA2590

International Trade Union Confederation

ITUC 2006 Brussels Belgium A yt XM2085

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

IUCN 1948 Gland Switzerland A y XA2654

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

IUGG 1919 Potsdam Germany A y XA2722
