International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Steering Committee for an International Association on Third Sector Research

1987 U d XE6129

Steering Committee for Integrated Conservation of the Historic Heritage

U dg XE2873

Steering Committee for Nordic Cultural Projects Abroad

U dg XK0909

Steering Committee for Regional and Municipal Matters

1970 U dg XE0739

Steering Committee for Social Affairs

U dg XE0737

Steering Committee of European NGDOs Active in Emergency Aid

U d XK1132

Steering Committee of Senior Officials

SCOSO U dg XF2319

Steering Committee on Social Policy

U dgy XE1239

Stelios M Stelson Foundation

SMSF 1952 Columbus OH USA U fx XN2018

Stichting Blindheidbestrijding Ontwikkelingslanden

Zien U df XG4515

Stichting Contact Network International

CNI U fx XN6547

Stichting Europese Christelijke Mijnwerkers

SECM 1997 Brussels Belgium U fx XF4525

Stichting Europese Werkplaatsen

SEW Amsterdam Netherlands U fx XG1968

Stichting Grenzeloze Solidariteit

Amsterdam Netherlands U fx XN5747

Stichting Innovatie Netwerk - International

IN/I Amsterdam Netherlands U fx XG6784

Stichting Mondiaal Alternatief

SMA 1974 Hoofddorp Netherlands U fx XG2042

Stichting Oecumenische Hulp

SOH 1952 U df XG0789

Stichting Ontwikkelingshulp Zuid-Azie

SOZA Echt Netherlands U fx XG2251

Stichting Orde van de Heilige Johannes de Deo

Merchtem Belgium U fx XG7265

Stichting Simon Fredericq voor de Vergelijkende Studie van de Verzekeringswetenschap

Brussels Belgium U fx XN1171

Stichting Story International

Rotterdam Netherlands U fx XN4527

Stiftelsen for Industriutvikling i Norden

SIU U ftx XF0341

Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft

1920 Essen Germany U nx XN3303

Stiftung Freiherr von Stein

1931 Hamburg Germany U fx XG1718

Stiftung Liechtensteinischer Entwicklungsdienst

LED Vaduz Liechtenstein U fx XG3530
