International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Scandinavian Railways Travel Bureau

1952 U x XU4888

Scandinavian Rheumatology Research Foundation

Aarhus Denmark U fx XD1653

Scandinavian Society for Kidney Research

U s XD2099

Scandinavian Society of Biological Psychiatry

SSBP 1960 U x XU4770

Scandinavian Society of Forensic Toxicologists

U x XU3296

Scandinavian Society of Pathology and Microbiology

U d XD3204

Scandinavian St Gabriel Union

Naestved Denmark U x XG9285

Scandinavian Surfing League

U d XU0441

Scandinavian Teaching Hospital, Korea

U s XU2064

Scandinavian Technical Literary Society

U x XU9905

Scandinavian Work Group of Reconstructive Microsurgery

U d XE1604

Scandinavian Working Group on Quantities and Units

1972 U d XE0406

Scandinavian World Trade Centre

1973 Gothenburg Sweden U tx XN5734

Scandinavian-American Genealogical Society

SAGS 1978 U d XN1704


1976 U d XF4294

Scanning Microscopy International

1977 Chicago IL USA U x XN3717

Schepens International Society

U x XN3293

Schizophrenics Anonymous International

U d XU0072

Schleswig-Holstein Institute for Peace Research

SHIP 1995 U dj XG5895

Schloss Dagstuhl International Conference and Research Centre for Computer Science

1989 Saarbrücken Germany U x XN8403

School for International Regional Development Studies

SIRIUS Glasgow UK U d XG5097

School of African and Asian Studies, Sussex

AFRAS 1964 U d XG5393

School of European Studies, Brighton

EURO U d XG3220

School of Information Studies for Africa

SISA Addis Ababa Ethiopia U x XN4103

School of International and Industrial Studies, Okayama

1990 Takahashi Japan U x XG8660
