International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Scientists for Population Reduction

Surfers Paradise QLD Australia U x XJ3191

Scientists for Sakharov, Orlov and Scharansky

1977 U d XG6235

Scientists' Institute for Public Information

SIPI New York NY USA U jx XN2679

Scleroderma International Foundation

1971 New Castle PA USA U fx XN1718

Scottish Centre for International Education

SCIE 1957 U d XN7634

Scottish Churches Action for World Development

SCAWD 1972 Edinburgh UK U x XG0983

Scottish Educational Trust for United Nations and International Affairs

1968 Glasgow UK U fx XG3703

Scottish European Aid with Mercy Corps Europe

SEA/MCE 1993 Brussels Belgium U n XG3052

Scottish International Environmental Group

Edinburgh UK U x XG0184

Scottish International Institute

Edinburgh UK U jx XG2833

Scottish Tartans Society

1963 Pitlochry UK U x XN4790

Scout Universal Fund

Scout U Fund 1969 U df XK1151

Scouts Filatelisten Benelux

1963 U d XG9441

Scrap Metal Users' Joint Bureau

1953 U x XU2820

Screen Directors International Guild

1957 U d XU0089

Screening Wheat and Barley for Resistance to Hessian Fly Research Network

U d XK0604

Screwworm Emergency Centre for North Africa

SECNA 1990 U dg XE3111

Scudder Latin American Trust for Independent Power


Sculptures pour l'Europe

Brussels Belgium U x XN4451

Scuola di Lingua e Cultura per Stranieri, Firenze

EUROPASS 1975 Florence Italy U x XG0251

Scuola di Perfezionamento in Studi Politici Internazionali

1980 U d XG4259

Scuola Internazionale di Malattie Cardiovascolari e Metaboliche

SIMCEM 1998 U d XG2611

Se servir de la saison sèche en savanne et au Sahel

SIX S Bonneville Switzerland U d XG3730

Sea Level Rise Foundation

SLRF 2007 Victoria Seychelles U fx XJ3002

Seabee Club International

SCI 1984 U x XN3423
