International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

SAARC Information Centre, Kathmandu

SIC 2004 U dg XM0500

SAARC Institute for Appropriate Technology for Rural Development

Kathmandu Nepal U gjx XK0301

SAARC Institute of Transport Technology and Training

Kathmandu Nepal U gjx XK0304

SAARC Inter-Governmental Group on South Asian Development Fund

IGG 1993 U dg XK0547

SAARC Meteorological Research Centre

SMRC 1992 Dhaka Bangladesh U gx XK0532

SAARC Network of Researchers on Global Financial and Economic Issues

1998 Colombo Sri Lanka U gx XF5742


U dp XJ1888

SAARC Region Rural Displacement Network

Mumbai India U x XG9270

SAARC Regional Fund

SRF U dfg XK0753

SAARC Software Centre for Telecommunications

Kathmandu Nepal U gx XK0302

Sabre Europe

U d XK0714

Sabre Foundation

1969 Cambridge MA USA U df XF2954

Sacred Heart League

SHL 1954 U d XN2908

Sacred Sites International Foundation

SSIF 1990 Berkeley CA USA U fx XN2043

SADC Regional and National Early Warning System

Harare Zimbabwe U gx XK0995

SADC/ICRISAT Sorghum and Millet Improvement Programme


Safe Water Africa Community Initiative

SWACI 2005 Ibadan Nigeria U x XJ2585

Safe World for Women

2008 U dfy XM4337

Safety, Health and Environmental Resource Center International

SHERCI Warrensburg MO USA U x XG7336

Sahara Fund

U fx XG6428

Sahara-Solidariteitvereniging in Europe

SSVE Wielsbeke Belgium U x XN7654

Sahel Association

1987 Tokyo Japan U x XN5258

Sahel défis - développement et environnement, formation et insertion sociale

1993 La Mulatière France U d XF3873

Sahel Solidarity

1973 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso U x XG9987

Sail Assist International Liaison Associates

SAILA 1981 Norfolk VA USA U x XN3512
