International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Russian and East European Institute

U jx XG9034

Russian and East European Network Information Center


Russian Association of International Relations

RAIR Moscow Russia U x XG2567

Russian International Association of Business Schools

RIABS Moscow Russia U x XG1839

Russian International Institute of Tourism, St Petersburg

St Petersburg Russia U jx XG9215

Russian Ministries Worldwide

Wheaton IL USA U x XN9523

Russian Peace Society

Moscow Russia U x XG6185

Rutgers Foundation

U df XG7696

S Bonifatius Institut

1948 Detmold Germany U jx XU6990

S-Star Alliance

U d XJ3934

SAARC Arbitration Centre

U dg XJ9872

SAARC Association of Town Planners

U dg XE3717

SAARC Cardiac Society

U d XE3719

SAARC Centre for Amelioration of Problem Soils

Kathmandu Nepal U gx XK0305

SAARC Centre for Cataloguing and Data Collection of Genetic Resources

U dg XJ1880

SAARC Centre for Drug Abuse and Control

U dgs XU3032

SAARC Centre for Malaria

U dps XU3031

SAARC Centre for Postal Research and Development

Kathmandu Nepal U gx XK0306

SAARC Consortium of Open and Distance Learning

SACODiL U d XF6920

SAARC Council of Teachers' Organizations

SCTO U dg XE1822

SAARC Documentation Centre

SDC 1994 U dg XK0684

SAARC Federation of University Women

SAARCFUW 1995 Kathmandu Nepal U d XE2663

SAARC Food Security Reserve

SFSR 1987 Kathmandu Nepal U gx XK1041

SAARC Fund for Regional Projects

SFRP 1991 U dfg XK1148

SAARC Human Resource Development Centre

SHRDC U dg XK2018
