International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Pan American International Movers Association


Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

PAAFPRS 2009 Central Hong Kong C XM3887

Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association

PPSEAWA 1928 Bangkok Thailand C XC3081

Panathlon International

PI 1960 Rapallo Italy C XD4243

Paragliding World Cup Association

PWCA 1991 C AA3830

Parapsychological Association

1957 Columbus OH USA C v AA0891

Parkour Earth

2017 London UK C XM7092

Patient Classification Systems International

PCSI 1987 C XJ1518

PE100+ Association

1999 C XJ9393

Pediatric Anesthesia and Intensive Care Society and Applied Technologies

PAICSAT 2011 C AA3038

PEFC Council

1999 Geneva Switzerland C y XD7845

People's Coalition on Food Sovereignty

PCFS 2004 Quezon City Philippines C y XJ5643

Performance Review Institute

PRI 1990 Warrendale PA USA C j XJ9063

Performance Studies International

PSI 1997 C XN8341

Peripheral Nerve Society

PNS 1994 Roseville MN USA C XJ4206


1996 Geneva Switzerland C y XF5798

Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society

PaTHES 2018 Aarhus Denmark C XM7063

Physical Security Interoperability Alliance

PSIA 2008 Santa Clara CA USA C XJ4945

Pirate Parties International

PPI 2010 Geneva Switzerland C XM7255

Pituitary Society

PS Los Angeles CA USA C XM5063

Plain Language Association International

PLAIN 1993 Oslo Norway C XJ8068


2001 Montréal QC Canada C XJ0584

Planetree International

1978 C AA2865

Polar Educators International

PEI 2012 C XM5559

Powering Past Coal Alliance

PPCA London UK C g XM6239
