International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Just Net Coalition

JNC 2014 Bangalore India C y XM4145

Kidlink Association

1990 Gothenburg Sweden C XF6526

Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes

KDIGO 2003 Brussels Belgium C XM5616

KPro Study Group

1990 C c XJ9629

Latin and Mediterranean Group of Sport Medicine

1956 Algiers Algeria C XD8593

Latin Artis

2010 Madrid Spain C AA3718

LAWASIA - Law Association for Asia and the Pacific

1966 C XC2901

Lawyers Associated Worldwide

LAW 1989 C XM4615

Leaders of Design Council

LDC C XJ8637

Learner Corpus Association

LCA 2013 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium C AA3633


2005 Madrid Spain C AA2046

Licensing Executives Society International

LESI 1973 Washington DC USA C y XD0147

Lifestyle Medical Global Alliance

LMGA 2015 C XM7834

Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis

LMHI 1925 Izmir Türkiye C XC2106

Ligue internationale du droit de la concurrence

LIDC 1930 Lausanne Switzerland C XC2197

Long-term Infrastructure Investors Association

LTIIA 2014 Paris France C XJ9428

Lux Pacifica - Association of Lighting Societies

Lux Pacifica Tokyo Japan C XM5246

Lymphoma Coalition

LC 2002 Mississauga ON Canada C y XJ2063

Maccabi World Union

MWU 1921 Ramat Gan Israel C y XD2938

Macromarketing Society

2004 Laramie WY USA C AA3562

Magento Association

2018 Chicago IL USA C AA0196

Make Mothers Matter

1947 Paris France C XC3560

Marine Stewardship Council

MSC 1997 London UK C XD7013

Massive Analysis and Quality Control Society

MACQC Cambridge MA USA C XM7072

Materials Development Association

MATSDA 1993 C AA3239
