Encyclopedia of World Problems

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title:6.6 The spiritual challenge

In 1993 the Millennium Institute, with the support of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, prepared a report on the critical issues facing the 21st century. Entitled Global 2000 Revisited: what shall we do?, it was written by Gerald Barney who had directed preparation of The Global 2000 Report to the President of the USA in 1980. The spiritual leaders of some 200 religions were represented at the Parliament in Chicago where the report formed part of the keynote speech.


title:6.3 The capacity to govern

In 1994 Yehezkel Dror presented a commissioned report to the Club of Rome on The Capacity to Govern, building on an earlier report by the Club (Note 6.1). As one of the founders of the discipline of policy sciences, and a prolific author on the more challenging dimensions of governance, the Dror report can useful be seen as a valuable challenge to the work of the Commission on Global Governance (Note 6.2).

1. Challenging approaches to governance


title:6.2 Providing a strategic framework

In 1994 the Commission on Global Governance reported on its efforts to articulate a strategically appropriate response to the challenges of the international community. The Commission emerged as a consequence of a report in 1991: Common Responsibility in the 1990's: the Stockholm Initiative on Global Security and Governance, which received the endorsement of many world leaders. The report appeared under the title: Our Global Neighbourhood, drawing on the reports of previous independent commissions.



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