Theology → Protestant
Organizations relating to Protestant
Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1979
Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in Latin America / Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay / Est. 1966
Asian Pentecostal Society / Petaling Jaya, Malaysia / Est. 1998
All Africa Anglican-Lutheran Commission / Mutare, Zimbabwe
Gideons International / Nashville TN, USA / Est. 1899
Plymouth Brethren / Sydney NSW, Australia / Est. 1829
Reformed Church in Africa / Dormerton, South Africa / Est. 1968
Comité protestant des amitiés françaises à l'étranger / Paris, France / Est. 1915
African Methodist Episcopal Church / Nashville TN, USA / Est. 1787
Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa / Belhar, South Africa / Est. 1994
Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research / Heidelberg, Germany / Est. 1957
Reformed Church in America / Grand Rapids MI, USA
Archbishop of Sydney's Anglican Aid / Sydney NSW, Australia
East Africa Yearly Meeting of Friends / Kitale, Kenya / Est. 1902
Outreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church / Franklin TN, USA / Est. 1979
International Federation of Calvinists / Est. 1932
International League for the Defence and Development of Protestantism / Est. 1926
International Congregational Council / Est. 1891
International Protestant League / Est. 1923
Protestant Union / Est. 1608
Salvation Army Medical Fellowship / London, UK / Est. 1943
Anglican-Lutheran Society / London, UK / Est. 1984
Loma Linda International Heart Institute / Loma Linda CA, USA / Est. 1987
World Anglican Chinese Clergy Fellowship Association / Taipei, Taiwan
European Institute of Protestant Studies / Belfast, UK / Est. 1998
Pentecostals and Charismatics for Peace and Justice / West Chester PA, USA
Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary / Darmstadt, Germany / Est. 1947
Quaker United Nations Group
Lutheran-Reformed Joint Commission
Commission for Presbyterian Cooperation in Latin America
International Association for Reformed Faith and Action
Protestant Alliance / Flitwick, UK / Est. 1845
Anglican-Lutheran European Regional Commission / Est. 1980
Anglican-Lutheran International Commission / Est. 1987
International Calvinist Congress
Anglican - Lutheran Joint Working Group / Est. 1974
Friends Coordinating Committee on Peace / Est. 1953
World Anglican / World Methodist Commission / Est. 1992
Salvation Army League of Mercy / Est. 1983
Friends Peace Committee / Philadelphia PA, USA / Est. 1933
Foyer international protestant 'David Livingstone'
Reformed Church of East Africa / Eldoret, Kenya
RP Global Alliance / Airdrie, UK / Est. 2015
Ekklesia Society / Frisco TX, USA / Est. 1996
Europäische Konferenz für Evangelische Kirchenmusik / Iserlohn, Germany / Est. 1970
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies / Cavite, Philippines / Est. 1987
International Council of Unitarians and Universalists / Framingham MA, USA / Est. 1995
Solidarité protestante / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1977
Canadian Friends Service Committee / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1931
Primates Meeting of the Anglican Communion / London, UK / Est. 1978
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