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Economics → Resource Utilization

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Organizations relating to Resource Utilization

European Paper Recycling Council / Brussels, Belgium
European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-Based Multifunctional Materials / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2007
ICCDU International Scientific Committee / University Park PA, USA / Est. 1991
METALS FOR BUILDINGS / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2011
People and Plants International / Bristol VT, USA / Est. 1992
Red Interamericana de Alto Nivel Sobre Descentralización, Gobierno Local y Participación Ciudadana / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2001
Factor 10 Institute / Est. 1994
European Advanced Recycling Network / Goslar, Germany / Est. 2003
Stichting Gered Gereedschap / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1982
Remanufacturing Institute / Lewisburg PA, USA / Est. 1997
European Recycling Coalition / Est. 2005
Red Latinoamericana de Recicladores
FRIEND / Hindu Kush-Himalayan / Kathmandu, Nepal / Est. 1996
Weeden Foundation / Bedford NY, USA / Est. 1963
Energy Saving Association / St Austell, UK / Est. 2009
Agreement on Collaboration in the Development and Exploitation of the Gas Centrifuge Process for Producing Enriched Uranium / Est. 1970
Agreement on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific / Est. 1952
Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage Resulting from Exploration for and Exploitation of Seabed Mineral Resources / Est. 1977
Déclaration des Principes Directeurs de L'utilisation de la Radiodiffusion par Satellites pour la Libre Circulation de L'information, L'extension de L'éducation et le Développement des échanges Culturels / Est. 1972
Protocol Concerning Marine Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf / Safat, Kuwait / Est. 1989
Recommendation Complémentaire à la Convention Concernant la Sécurité dans L'utilisation des Produits Chimiques au Travail / Est. 1990
International Timesharing Foundation / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1982
International Association of Electronics Recyclers / Albany NY, USA
Council on International Cooperation in the Study and Utilization of Outer Space / Moscow, Russia / Est. 1970
International Recycling Group
Orange-Senqu River Commission / Pretoria, South Africa
Baltic Energy Innovation Centre / Lund, Sweden
European Coalition for Chemical Recycling / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2019
Bureau of Middle East Recycling / Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Styrenics Circular Solutions / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2018
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1959
Netzkraft Movement ! / Xanten, Germany / Est. 1990
ASEAN Council on Petroleum / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1975
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization / Jinja, Uganda / Est. 1994
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research / Dubna, Russia / Est. 1956
International Tyre, Rubber and Recycling Federation / Est. 1958
Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance / Bonn, Germany / Est. 2006
Caribbean Recycling Foundation / Palm City FL, USA / Est. 1994
Free Software Foundation Europe / Berlin, Germany / Est. 2001
European Electronics Recyclers Association / Arnhem, Netherlands / Est. 2004
Ifremer / Issy-les-Moulineaux, France / Est. 1984
Foster Europe / Eisenstadt, Austria / Est. 2009
International Recycling and Recovery Congress
International Roundtable on Auto Recycling
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 / London, UK / Est. 2009
International Congress for Battery Recycling
International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating
Comisión Permanente del Pacifico Sur / Guayaquil, Ecuador / Est. 1952
Packaging Recovery Organization Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1995
International Electronics Recycling Congress

View all profiles (238 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Resource Utilization

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Unutilized fish by-products
Underutilization of legal rights
Overemphasis on effective use of technical resources
Unused training opportunities
Inappropriate public spending by government
Limited market development
Overexploitation of underground water resources
Shortage of waste landfill sites
Unsustainable energy consumption
Underutilized agricultural wastes
Unsustainable development of forest lands
Dependence on information technology
Inadequate barter system in international trade
Unsustainable exploitation of fish resources
Health hazards of passive smoking
Inadequate health services
Environmental hazards of empolderment of wetlands
Maldistribution of energy consumption
Undercapitalized waste use schemes
Ship breaking
Repetitive strain injuries
Competitive development of new weapons
Deliberately unused farm fields
Overuse of chemicals to control pests
Misallocation of resources in health services

Action Strategies relating to Resource Utilization

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Using fossil fuel more efficiently
Recycling plastics
Developing rainforest action plan
Using wind power
Recycling paper
Developing networked documentation services in social sciences
Researching human resources development
Generating electricity from organic wastes
Intensifying existing resource use
Facilitating urban regeneration
Balancing resource use and conservation
Assessing potential of underutilized crops
Recycling building materials
Giving technical assistance to informal waste reuse and recycling operations
Strengthening models on linked impacts of population, resource use and wealth distribution
Exploiting global biological resources for new foods
Elaborating national employment policies
Integrating indigenous knowledge on natural resources
Enabling equitable resource use

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