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Government → Private

Organizations relating to Private

International Institute for the Unification of Private Law / Rome, Italy / Est. 1926
Asociación de Universidades Privadas de Centroamérica y Panama / San Miguel, El Salvador / Est. 1990
African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association / London, UK
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States/Competitive Business Unit / Roseau, Dominica / Est. 1997
European Group for Private International Law / Luxembourg, Luxembourg / Est. 1991
Commonwealth Private Investment Initiative / London, UK / Est. 1995
Association of Private Organizations for Development Service / Bonn, Germany / Est. 1967
Institute of European and Comparative Private Law / Girona, Spain / Est. 2003
Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo / Naples, Italy / Est. 1981
Overseas Private Investment Corporation / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1971
Centre for European Private Law / Münster, Germany / Est. 1997
Public-Private Alliance Foundation / Hastings-on-Hudson NY, USA / Est. 2007
International South American Union for the Regulation of Private International Law / Est. 1889
International Union of Private Law / Est. 1904
Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector / Jeddah, Saudi Arabia / Est. 1999
Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law / Washington DC, USA
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Third Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of June 12 1902, Relating to the Settlement of the Conflicts of Laws and Jurisdictions as Regards Divorce and Separation / Est. 1923
Inter-American Convention on General Rules of Private International Law / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1979
Convention of 6 Feb 1931 Containing Certain Provisions of Private International Law Regarding Marriage, Adoption and Guardianship / Est. 1953
Inter-American Convention on Personality and Capacity of Juridical Persons in Private International Law / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1984
Convention on Private International Law / Est. 1928
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Third Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of June 12 1902, Regulating the Guardianship of Minors / Est. 1923
Convention Containing Certain Provisions of Private International Law Regarding Marriage, Adoption and Guardianship / Est. 1931
Inter-American Convention on Domicile of Natural Persons in Private International Law / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1979
Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles for Private Use in International Traffic / Est. 1956
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles / Est. 1954
Final Act of the United Nations Conference on Customs Formalities for the Temporary Importation of Private Road Motor Vehicles and for Tourism / Est. 1954
Additional Protocol to the Treaties on Private International Law / Est. 1889
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation for Private Use of Aircraft and Pleasure Boats / Est. 1956
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Fourth Conference on Private International Law, to the Convention of July 17 1905, Relating to the Conflicts of Laws with Regard to the Effects of Marriage / Est. 1923
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Fourth Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of July 17 1905, Relating to Deprivation of Civil Rights and Similar Measures of Protection / Est. 1923
Convention for the Formation of Codes on Public and Private International Law / Est. 1902
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Third Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of June 12 1902, Relating to the Settlement of the Conflict of Laws Concerning Marriage / Est. 1923
Additional Protocol to the Treaties on Private International Law / Est. 1940
Convention Concerning Private Employment Agencies / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1997
Central American Private Sector Initiative Foundation / Guatemala, Guatemala / Est. 1991
International Private Economic Council, Korea Rep
Cegla Institute of Comparative and Private International Law / Tel Aviv, Israel / Est. 1987
International Conference on Private International Law
East-European Association for International Private Law / Est. 1993
Association of Private International Law
TwoWings Private Foundation / Linz, Austria / Est. 1996
European Association of Private International Law / Luxembourg, Luxembourg / Est. 2019
Federación de Trabajadores Latinoamericanos del Comercio, Oficinas y Empresas Privadas de Servicios / Caracas, Venezuela
Federación de Entidades Privadas de Centroamérica, Panama y Republica Dominica / Guatemala, Guatemala / Est. 1987
Institut africain du droit international privé / Est. 1968
Asociación Americana de Derecho Internacional Privado / Caracas, Venezuela / Est. 2007
Basel Institute on Governance / Basel, Switzerland / Est. 2003
World Benchmarking Alliance / Amsterdam, Netherlands
International Code of Conduct Association / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2013

View all profiles (139 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Private

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Disappearance of common land
Excessive government intervention in the private sector
Private international trade and investment disputes
Privatization of prisons
Distortion of international trade by discriminatory government and private procurement policies
Violations of private law
Lack of private sector involvement in biodiversity conservation
Private ownership
Abuses by private police forces
Government expropriation of private property
Inappropriate use of public funds
Labour tensions involving transnationals
Restrictions on private economic expansion
Financial and economic disputes between states and nationals of other states
Decline in foreign direct investment
Control of national economic sectors by transnational enterprises
Proliferation of weapons in civilian hands
Underground economy
Commercialization of universities
Maldistribution of water
Lack of channels for obtaining available local funding
Net outflow of capital from countries

Action Strategies relating to Private

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Strengthening private sector's potential to create new jobs
Supporting conservation of biological diversity on private lands
Encouraging private sector management of housing
Coordinating public and private sector action for shelter
Establishing beneficial policies for foreign investment
Controlling private loggers
Mobilizing domestic financial resources for poverty alleviation
Supporting cross-sectoral partnerships on environmentally sound technology
Exploring schemes for voluntary contributions to sustainable development
Facilitating transfer of privately-owned environmentally sound technology
Surveying private sector information on sustainable development
Encouraging private sector investment in sustainable development
Involving private sector in developing human resources and infrastructure
Providing private-sector support for local community
Sharing business experience on sustainable development
Developing private sector investment strategies for biodiversity conservation
Identifying constraints on private sector investment in biodiversity conservation
Combining public and private sector resources in biodiversity conservation
Identifying opportunities for private sector investment in biodiversity conservation
Improving distribution of private property
Keeping private losses private
Promoting private sector involvement in forest conservation
Prosecuting privacy violations on the internet
Sharing private sector information and experience on sustainable development
Designing attractive private dwellings

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