Defence → Resistance
Organizations relating to Resistance
International Committee Buchenwald Dora and Commandos / Montreuil, France / Est. 1952
Baltic Network for Infection Control and Containment of Antibiotic Resistance / Est. 2004
Democracy International / Est. 1979
European Nuclear Disarmament / Est. 1980
Communauté d'intérêts des anciens résistants dans les pays occupés par le fascisme
International Socialist Resistance / London, UK
Resistance International / Est. 1983
Democracy International Committee to Aid Democratic Dissidents in Yugoslavia / Est. 1980
Conférence internationale sur l'histoire de la résistance européenne
Résistance internationale contre tous les totalitarismes / Paris, France
International Organization of Political Dissidents in Communist Countries / Est. 1982
Organizatia Internationala a Disidentilor Politici din Tarile Comuniste / Sydney NSW, Australia
American Foundation for Resistance International / New York NY, USA / Est. 1984
International Collective Resistance / Brussels, Belgium
International Conference of the Resistance in Communist Countries
War Resisters' International / London, UK / Est. 1921
Justice & Peace Netherlands / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1972
Maison des citoyens du monde / Nantes, France / Est. 1996
WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network / Oxford, UK / Est. 2008
International Conference on Antimicrobial Research
View all profiles (45 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Resistance
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialResistance movements
Inadequate models of socio-economic development
Covert intelligence agency operations
Civil disobedience
Citizen disobedience
Type 2 diabetes
Antimicrobial drug resistance
Passive resistance
Overuse of chemicals to control pests
Herbicide tolerance in plants
Repression of intellectual dissidents
Pathological gambling
Hindering proceedings by disorderly conduct
Action Strategies relating to Resistance
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialResisting
Countering exploitation of women's image
Resisting proliferation of bioweapons
Developing resistance
Breeding disease-resistant plants
Protesting compulsory immunization
Maintaining democratic political foundation
Eliminating dissidents
Undertaking civilian protest
Strengthening political will
Resisting displacement
Resisting the marketing of amoral issues by media
Resisting animal testing
Controlling antibiotic resistance
Developing pesticide and herbicide tolerant crops
Resisting commodification
Resisting unjust laws
Using the internet for civil disobedience
Using civil disobedience
Resisting interference with individual behaviour
Strengthening national resistance movements
Passive resistance
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