Health Care → Psychotherapy
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods, particularly when based on regular personal interaction, to help a person change behavior, increase happiness, and overcome problems. Psychotherapy aims to improve an individual's well-being and mental health, to resolve or mitigate troublesome behaviors, beliefs, compulsions, thoughts, or emotions, and to improve relationships and social skills. Numerous types of psychotherapy have been designed either for individual adults, families, or children and adolescents. Some types of psychotherapy are considered evidence-based for treating diagnosed mental disorders; other types have been criticized as pseudoscience.
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Organizations relating to Psychotherapy
International Society for Bonding Psychotherapy / Lisbon, Portugal
International Society of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2011
International Federation of Orgonomic Colleges / Saint-Mars-du-Désert, France / Est. 1979
Asociación Iberoamericana de Logoterapia
Federación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapias Cognitivas y Conductuales / Ribeirão Preto, Brazil / Est. 1999
Groupe international du rêve-éveillé en psychanalyse / Paris, France / Est. 1968
International Naikan Association / Neunkirchen, Austria / Est. 1991
European Committee for the Analytically Oriented Advanced Autogenic Training / Padua, Italy / Est. 1982
Asia-Pacific Association of Psychotherapists / Woollahra NSW, Australia / Est. 1996
World Association of Eclectic Hypnotherapists / Brownsville TX, USA / Est. 1993
Group-Analytic Society International / London, UK / Est. 1952
European Group Analytic Training Institutions Network / Bristol, UK / Est. 1988
International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy / New York NY, USA / Est. 2001
International Academy of Positive and Cross-Cultural Psychotherapy / Wiesbaden, Germany / Est. 2005
International Society of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 2002
European Association for Hypno Psychotherapy / London, UK
European Federation for Somato-Psychotherapy / Molenhoek, Netherlands / Est. 1999
International Society for Non Verbal Psychotherapy / Est. 1968
European Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis / Nottingham, UK / Est. 1995
International Registry of Professional Hypnotherapists / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 1996
Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Systemische Lösungen nach Bert Hellinger / Würzburg, Germany
Société d'étude de psychodrame pratique et théorique / Paris, France / Est. 1964
C G Jung-Institut Zürich / Küsnacht, Switzerland / Est. 1948
European Congress on Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine / Haifa, Israel
European Association of Sophia-Analysis / Cosenza, Italy / Est. 1970
Institut européen de somato-intégration
Forum für Humanistische Psychologie und Psychotherapie / Freiburg-Breisgau, Germany
Institut européen de psychothérapie, Paris / Est. 1966
International Academy of Eclectic Psychotherapists / Est. 1983
International Forum for Logotherapy / Berkeley CA, USA
Spiritual Emergence Network / Todtmoos, Germany / Est. 1980
International Society for Neural Therapy
Universal Hypnotherapists Centre
World Association of Hypnotherapists
Institut international de synthèses psychothérapiques
Nordiska konferensen i gruppsykoterapi
European Federation of Centres for Positive Psychotherapy / Wiesbaden, Germany / Est. 1997
International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association / Royal Oak MI, USA / Est. 1987
Asociación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapias Integrativas / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 2006
Société internationale des techniques d'imagerie mentale onirique / Paris, France / Est. 1968
European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy / Dublin, Ireland / Est. 1993
Federación Latino-Americana de Psicoterapia Psicoanalitica y Psicoanalisis / Est. 1998
International Institute of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Charles Baudouin / Est. 1924
International Forum for System Constellations in Organisations / Bad Hersfeld, Germany / Est. 2003
World Council for Psychotherapy / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1995
International Transactional Analysis Association / Est. 1958
International Society of Schema Therapy / Bad Vilbel, Germany / Est. 2008
International Society of Autogenic Training and Psychotherapy / Madrid, Spain / Est. 2014
Red Europea y Latinoamericana de Escuelas Sistémicas / Est. 2005
Latin American Federation for Psychotherapy / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 2000
View all profiles (98 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Psychotherapy
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialViolation of medical confidentiality
Accidental poisoning by psychotherapeutic drugs
Action Strategies relating to Psychotherapy
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialProviding psychotherapy by computer
Ensuring competent psychoanalysis
Developing group psychotherapy
Training psychotherapists
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