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Societal Problems → Hygiene

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-beingGOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation


Hygiene is a set of practices performed to preserve health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases." Personal hygiene refers to maintaining the body's cleanliness. Hygiene activities can be grouped into the following: home and everyday hygiene, personal hygiene, medical hygiene, sleep hygiene, and food hygiene. Home and every day hygiene includes hand washing, respiratory hygiene, food hygiene at home, hygiene in the kitchen, hygiene in the bathroom, laundry hygiene, and medical hygiene at home. And also environmental hygiene in the society to prevent all kinds of bacterias from penetrating into our homes.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Hygiene

International Portable Sanitation Working Group / Bloomington MN, USA / Est. 1996
Water and Sanitation Programme / Washington DC, USA
Pan American Sanitary Bureau / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1902
Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2003
Global Water Solidarity / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2012
Global WASH Cluster / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2006
The Butterfly Effect / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 2010
Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor / London, UK / Est. 2004
Portable Sanitation Association International / Bloomington MN, USA / Est. 1971
Associazione Sanitaria Internazionale / Rome, Italy / Est. 1954
Institute de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova e Lisboa / Lisbon, Portugal
Portable Sanitation Europe / Sutton Coldfield, UK / Est. 2000
Permanent Committee of the International Congresses on School Hygiene / Est. 1903
Centrale sanitaire internationale / Est. 1937
International Sanitary Conference / Est. 1851
Comité permanent international des congrès internationaux d'hygiène et de démographie
International Association of Hygienic Physicians / Youngstown OH, USA / Est. 1978
Sanitary Convention, 1904 / Est. 1904
WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures / Est. 1993
International Sanitary Convention, 1900 / Est. 1900
Sanitary Convention, 1905 / Est. 1905
International Sanitary Convention, 1944 / Est. 1944
International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1944 / Est. 1944
Phyto-sanitary Convention for Africa South of the Sahara / Est. 1954
Resolutions of the Sanitary Convention / Est. 1902
Pan American Sanitary Code / Est. 1924
International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1933 / Est. 1933
Sanitary Convention, 1852 / Est. 1852
Resolution Relative to Sanitary Police, 1906 / Est. 1906
Convention Concerning Hygiene in Commerce and Offices / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1964
Agreement to Facilitate the Sanitary Control of Traffic / Est. 1955
International Sanitary Convention, 1914 / Est. 1914
Resolution Respecting Sanitary Police / Est. 1910
International Sanitary Convention, 1926 / Est. 1926
Additional Protocol to the Pan-American Sanitary Code, 1952 / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1952
Sanitary Convention, 1903 / Est. 1903
International Sanitary Regulations, 1951 / Est. 1951
Protocol to Prolong the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation / Est. 1946
Additional Protocol to the Pan-American Sanitary Code, 1927 / Est. 1927
Resolution Relative to Sanitary Police, 1902 / Est. 1902
International Sanitary Convention, 1912 / Est. 1912
Protocol to Prolong the International Sanitary Convention, 1944 / Est. 1946
Fondation internationale des sciences sociales et sanitaires
Action scolaire et sanitaire pour l'Afrique francophone / Lille, France
Association générale des ingénieurs, architectes et hygiénistes municipaux
Association européenne d'hygiène
Education sanitaire et nutritionnelle d'Afrique centrale / Est. 1933
Société internationale pour la prophylaxie sanitaire et morale
CMEA Coordinating Centre on Hygienic Aspects of Environmental Health
Collège européen d'hygiène et de médecine naturelles

View all profiles (196 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Hygiene

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Unsanitary and inhumane food animal conditions
Unethical practices in politics
Inadequate plant quarantine
Polluted drinking water
Inappropriate infant feeding strategies
Inadequate animal husbandry
Unhygienic recreational contact with sewage
Inadequate disposal of hospital waste
Inadequate disposal of female sanitary protection
Inadequate sanitation infrastructure
Lack of sanitation in rural areas
Inadequate disinfection measures for animal housing and equipment
Inadequate disinfection of pastureland after disease outbreak
Spread of animal diseases through factory farming
Lack of sanitation in cities
Abortion-related deaths of mothers

Action Strategies relating to Hygiene

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Researching effects of fiscal policy on innovation of environmental technologies
Prosecuting dirty tricks politics
Using integrated approaches to environmental infrastructure in informal settlements
Improving sanitation for the poor
Clean pollution control technologies for Industry
Ensuring clean drinking water
Financing environmentally sound technologies in developing countries
Practicing industrial safety
Improving health conditions in slums
Promoting safe and clean technologies
Conducting public education programmes on drinking water supply and sanitation
Training in water sanitation
Using linguistic hygiene
Strengthening national sanitation institutes
Facilitating transfer of clean low-waste production processes
Designing ecologically
Expanding public participation of women in water projects
Developing human resources to improve drinking water supply and sanitation
Expanding technical cooperation among developing countries on water and sanitation
Facilitating transfer of clean technology
Developing sanitation for low-income city areas
Adopting sustainable sanitation policy
Expanding information networks on clean technology and waste minimization
Regulating industrial environmental performance
Establishing international phytosanitary standards

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