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UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Construction is a general term meaning the art and science of forming objects, systems, or organizations. It comes from the Latin word constructio and Old French construction. To 'construct' is a verb: the act of building, and the noun is construction: how something is built or the nature of its structure.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Construction

International Confederation of Trade Unions of Workers in the Oil and Gas Industries, and Construction Workers in the Oil and Gas Complex / Moscow, Russia / Est. 1992
International Society for Construction with Alternative Materials / Leuven, Belgium / Est. 1992
International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology / Raleigh NC, USA / Est. 1971
European Chimneys Association / Courbevoie, France / Est. 1989
International Confederation of Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers' Unions / Moscow, Russia
Associação Sul Americana de Engenharia Estrutural / Porto Alegre, Brazil
Scandinavian Society for Trenchless Technology / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1989
International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability / Shanghai, China / Est. 1985
European Structural Integrity Society / Cassino, Italy / Est. 1978
Association of Industrial Ceiling Manufacturers / Düsseldorf, Germany / Est. 1988
Agence Panafricaine de la Grande Muraille Verte / Nouakchott, Mauritania / Est. 2010
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute / Schaumburg IL, USA / Est. 1924
Joint Committee on Structural Safety / Aalborg, Denmark / Est. 1971
Nordic Contact Concerning State Building Activities / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1962
European Technical Contractors Committee for the Construction Industry / Zoetermeer, Netherlands / Est. 1976
European Institute for Construction Labour Research / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1993
International Group for Lean Construction / Haifa, Israel / Est. 1993
European Concrete Societies Network / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1996
European Construction Forum / Brussels, Belgium
Perlite Institute / Harrisburg PA, USA / Est. 1949
Nation Builders International / Yaoundé, Cameroon / Est. 2001
European Forecasting Group for the Construction Industry / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1975
REFORME / Ribera de Arriba, Spain / Est. 1986
International Masonry Institute / Annapolis MD, USA / Est. 1970
North American Society for Trenchless Technology / Cleveland OH, USA / Est. 1990
Bâtisseurs pour le développement en Afrique / Cotonou, Benin
Concrete Society / Camberley, UK / Est. 1966
Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association of the United States and Canada / Columbia MD, USA / Est. 1864
Australasian Tunnelling Society / Kingston SA, Australia / Est. 1972
International Union of Elevator Constructors / Columbia MD, USA / Est. 1901
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials / Ontario CA, USA / Est. 1926
American Concrete Institute / Farmington Hills MI, USA / Est. 1904
Health Builders / Kigali, Rwanda
Europäische Organisation für den Fertigbau / Est. 1985
Federación Interamericana de Camaras de la Construcción
International Society of Esperantist Architects and Builders
Asociación de Hormigón Armado de Centroamérica y Panama
Nordiska Ämbetsmannakommittén för Samarbete inom Byggsektorn / Est. 1973
United Nations Sustainable Building and Construction Initiative
International Rooftop Landscaping Association / Est. 2009
Global Research Consortium on Economic Structural Transformation / Est. 2016
Deep Foundations Institute / Hawthorne NJ, USA
Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa / Bellville, South Africa / Est. 2006
Australasian Universities Building Education / Adelaide SA, Australia / Est. 1975
European External Wall Insulation Systems Association / Haslemere, UK / Est. 1992
International Institute for Bau-Biologie / Clearwater FL, USA
Construction for Change / Kirkland WA, USA
Nordic Building Research Meeting / Reykjavik, Iceland / Est. 1948
International Symposium on Welding and Melting by Electron and Laser Beams / Gif-sur-Yvette, France
International Symposium on the Effects of Radiation on Structural Materials / Philadelphia PA, USA

View all profiles (412 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Construction

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

High interest rates
Structural poverty
Freezing of plumbing systems
Over-use of formaldehyde in building materials and personal products
Unilateral structural disarmament of nuclear weapons
Structural unemployment
Unavailability of building materials
Discrimination against women executives
Inequitable distribution of construction expertise
Elitist control of construction technology
Unsafe design of consumer products
Inadequate earthquake resistant construction
Concrete fatigue
Insecurity through unilateral structural disarmament
Structural failure of integrated rural development
Creep of concrete
Protectionism in the construction and engineering services industries
Structural barriers for disabled persons
Improvisational housing
Instability of construction industry
Abdominal wall defects of the newborn
Reductionistic decision making criteria in the construction industry
Corrosion of stonework
Reduction in building of nuclear power stations
Vulnerability of social systems

Action Strategies relating to Construction

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Developing international competence in population planning
Building ecological communities
Promoting indigenous development
Building therapeutic communities
Coordinating non-governmental organizations
Managing technological change
Providing a platform for North-South NGO cooperation
Employing energy efficient design
Building sustainable communities
Building administrative structures for sustainable development
Developing building codes
Developing value codes for business
Protesting new road construction
Using construction inspectors
Developing broad environmental education
Building spiritual communities
Compiling building data
Facilitating global partnership of non-governmental organizations
Assessing costs to support sustainable construction industry activities
Expanding use of local construction technologies

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