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Industry → Timber

Organizations relating to Timber

Timber Construction Europe / Berlin, Germany
Federation of Timber and Related Industries Workers' Unions of the Commonwealth of Independent States / Moscow, Russia
Combois / Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany / Est. 1967
European Institute for Construction Labour Research / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1993
International Academy of Wood Science / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1966
Wood Technology Club / Taichung, Taiwan / Est. 1993
Global Timber Tracking Network / Serdang, Malaysia / Est. 2012
Nordic Timber Council
Scandinavian Committee for Research in Wood Technology
Department for Timber Utilisation / Est. 1935
Laboratorio Andino de Maderas / Lima, Peru
International Wood Research Society / Est. 1960
Comité international du bois / Est. 1932
Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering / Ås, Norway / Est. 2004
International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures
International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1983 / Est. 1983
International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994 / Est. 1994
European Hardwood Federation / Est. 1960
International Wood Centre, Sgonico
International Centre of Wood Technology
Parquet européen
ProWood Club
Skandinavisk Treskips og Bätbyggerforbund
ASEAN Timber Technology Centre / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
European Homologation Committee / Est. 1957
International Chain Saw Wood Sculptors Association / Eden Prairie MN, USA / Est. 1985
Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau / Bellevue WA, USA / Est. 1903
ASEAN Timber Bureau
European Network of Timber Technical Centres and Research Institutes / Est. 1989
Canadian Woodmen of the World / Est. 1893
Pacific Logging Congress / Portland OR, USA / Est. 1909
CMEA Coordinating Centre for Comprehensive Use of Raw Wood
Symposium of Biotechnology Applied to Lignocelluloses / Est. 2010
Timber Research and Development Association / Est. 1934
International Research Group on Wood Protection / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1969
Nordic Wood Preservation Council / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1969
European Wood Preservative Manufacturers Group / Wageningen, Netherlands / Est. 1977
InnovaWood / Brussels, Belgium
Wood Sector Alliance for the New European Bauhaus / Brussels, Belgium
International Wood Collectors Society / Greencastle IN, USA / Est. 1947
International Wood Culture Society / Est. 2007
World Wood Day Foundation / Est. 2013
European Timber Council
International Association for Technical Issues Related to Wood / Braunschweig, Germany / Est. 1946
Woodrise Alliance / Est. 2017
International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry / Est. 1981
International Tropical Timber Agreement, 2006 / Est. 2006
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference / Est. 2008
International Technical Association of Tropical Timber / Nogent-sur-Marne, France / Est. 1951
World Conference on Timber Engineering

View all profiles (104 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Timber

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Threatened species of Odontophorus [1]
Environmental hazards from logging
Shortage of firewood
Wet rot of wood
Criminal offences against the environment
Environmental hazards from timber industries
Insect pests of wood
Logging of old stand forests
Wood deterioration and decay
Shortage of hardwood
Poisonous, allergenic and biologically active wood
Instability of forestry and logging
Illegal tropical timber trade
Dry rot of wood

Action Strategies relating to Timber

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Protesting woodchipping of native forests
Monitoring timber production
Rehabilitating land degraded by water-logging
Increasing research on non-wood forest resources
Improving wood preservatives to protect the environment
Growing wood for fuel
Certifying wood
Using silvopasture agriculture
Managing non-timber forest resources
Extracting timber
Managing hardwood forests
Classifying woods
Constructing from timber
Restricting industrial logging
Conserving Appalachian and mixed mesophytic forest ecoregion
Using available timber resources
Promoting exchange of wood-working skills
Developing diversified wood production
Ensuring profitable wood industry
Creating wood storage system
Instituting integrated forest management
Destroying pests of wood
Protecting against environmental hazards from logging
Clearing forest

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