Industry → Products
Organizations relating to Products
European Association for the Trade in Jute and Related Products / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1970
Oenological Products and Practices / Paris, France / Est. 2009
Association des Régions Européennes des Produits d'Origine / Bordeaux, France / Est. 2004
Product and Systems Internationalisation / Mühldorf-Inn, Germany / Est. 2002
Global Type III Environmental Product Declarations Network / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1999
International Music Products Association / Carlsbad CA, USA / Est. 1901
European Synthetic Rubber Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1971
Euroenviron / Est. 1989
Agreement on Products within the Province of the European Coal and Steel Community
Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1973
Agreement on Certain Measures to Facilitate Customs Clearance of Products Covered by the ECSC Treaty Carried by Rail / Est. 1962
Convention Concerning the Transit of Animals, Meat and other Products of Animal Origin / Est. 1935
Special Central American Agreement on the Equalization of Import Duties on Textiles Manufactured from Rayon or from other Artificial or Synthetic Fibres / Est. 1965
European Polyethylene Foam Association / Brussels, Belgium
International General Produce Association / Est. 1876
International Produce Federation / Fairfax Station VA, USA / Est. 1993
European Technical Office for Pharmaceutical Products
European Network of Product Registers
Asian Pulp and Paper and Paper-Products Council / Est. 1980
Action Committee on Meat, Dairy Products and Meat Derivatives
ASEAN Panel Products Federation
Mauchline Ware Collectors Club International / Elstree, UK
Centre de documentation internationale des industries utilisatrices de produits agricoles / Saint-Lô, France / Est. 1967
Asian Pharmaceutical Products Council
Coordination Centre for Synthetic Leather / Est. 1972
CMEA Institute for Standardization / Est. 1962
Maghreb Committee for Pharmaceutical Products / Est. 1970
International Product and Technology Exchange / Plainfield NJ, USA
International Yeast 2.0 Synthetic Genomics Conference / Est. 2012
International Conference on the Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals
International Working Conference on Stored-Product Protection / Est. 1974
Product Lifetimes and The Environment / Est. 2015
PDT Europe / Bromma, Sweden / Est. 1992
European Convention on Products Liability in Regard to Personal Injury and Death / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1977
Association internationale des utilisateurs de fils de filaments artificiels et synthétiques et de soie naturelle / Lyon, France / Est. 1954
European Federation of the Trade in Dried Fruit, Edible Nuts, Processed Fruit and Vegetables, Processed Fishery Products, Spices, Honey and Similar Foodstuffs / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1960
Latin American Chlor-Alkali and Derivatives Industry Association / Sao Paulo, Brazil / Est. 1997
CIRFS - European Man-made Fibres Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1950
Product Safety Forum of Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1991
International Federation for Produce Standards / Newark DE, USA / Est. 2001
European Association for Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry / Dresden, Germany / Est. 1994
Convention for the Mutual Recognition of Inspections in Respect of the Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1970
Cereals and Europe / Papendrecht, Netherlands
EMEA Synthetic Turf Council / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2010
Bureau international pour la standardisation de la rayonne et des fibres synthétiques / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1928
GA - Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research / Darmstadt, Germany / Est. 1970
Fédération européenne des industries de porcelaine et de faïence de table et d'ornementation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1958
Synthetic Turf Council / Forest Hill MD, USA / Est. 2003
European Structured Investment Products Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2008
European Trade Association of PVC Window System Supplies / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2000
View all profiles (193 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Products
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialEnvironmental hazards of rubber manufactures
Unsustainable energy consumption
Trade barriers against developing countries
Underutilized agricultural wastes
Radioactive contamination of the marine environment and of fisheries products
Toxic waste smuggling
Inadequate export marketing of products
Environmental hazards from non-metallic mineral products industries
Non-destructible containers and packaging
Commercially sponsored health education
Threatened reservoir habitats
Misuse of animals for toxicological experiments
Destruction of surplus agricultural produce
Environmental hazards of chlorine-bleached paper products
Distortion of international trade by discriminatory requirements with respect to marks of product origin
Misuse of chemicals
Unproductive import substitution
Distortion of international trade by discriminatory formulation of health and sanitary regulations for agricultural and pharmaceutical products
Misuse of agricultural chemicals
Unsafe blood-related products
Misleading advertising
Generic drugs
Spoilage of agricultural products
Action Strategies relating to Products
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialIncreasing crop diversity
Monitoring farming production
Increasing product use intensity
Recycling plastics
Developing information technology
Substituting for harmful products
Advancing contraceptive technology
Reducing discharges of dangerous synthetic organic compounds to the marine environment
Monitoring steel industry
Using life-cycle analysis
Protesting polyethylene manufacture
Using plastics
Monitoring timber production
Promoting contraceptive use
Providing emergency humanitarian aid
Taxing disposable products
Making easy-to-repair items
Seeding clouds to produce precipitation
Publicizing services supporting sustainable production and consumption
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Taxing use of toxic products
Banning advertising of socially harmful products
Recovering cultural property of indigenous peoples
Reducing atmospheric methane concentrations
Reforming Gross Domestic Product
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