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Communication → Promotion

Organizations relating to Promotion

Mediterranean Organization for Promotion and Science
Asociación Latinoamericana de Carreras Universitarias de Relaciones Públicas / Lima, Peru / Est. 1999
Comité Latinoamericano para la Difusión del Derecho Romano / Veracruz, Mexico / Est. 1972
Confederação Interamericana de Relações Públicas / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 2003
Red Iberoamericana de Universidades Promotoras de la Salud / Est. 2007
South East and Central Europe PR Organisation / Est. 2011
Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies / St Michael, Barbados
UNIDO International Solar Energy Centre for Technology Promotion and Transfer / Lanzhou, China / Est. 2006
European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice / Ljubljana, Slovenia / Est. 1996
Centro Regional de Promoción de la MIPYME / San Salvador, El Salvador / Est. 2001
Regional Centre for the Promotion of Books in Latin America and the Caribbean / Bogota, Colombia / Est. 1971
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law / New York NY, USA / Est. 1965
Incentive, Conference and Event Society Asia-Pacific / Est. 2013
European Conference of Promoters of New Music / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 1981
International Network of Political Leaders Promoting Democracy in Burma / Est. 1996
Clara Lachmanns Fund to Promote Inter-Nordic Understanding / Mölndal, Sweden / Est. 1927
International Presentation Association / New York NY, USA
Eurisy / Paris, France / Est. 1989
Red de Promotores Culturales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe / Bogota, Colombia / Est. 1991
Consorcio Interamericano de Universidades y Centros de Formación de Personal en Educación para la Salud y Promoción de la Salud / San Juan, Puerto Rico
Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1984
Agita Mundo Network / São Caetano do Sul, Brazil / Est. 2002
Technological Trade and Information Promotion System / Est. 1986
International Committee for Promotion of Research in Bio-Impedance / Blindern, Norway / Est. 1981
International Network of Health Promotion Foundations / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1999
IAB Global Network / New York NY, USA
Opera di Promozione dell'Alfabetizzazione nel Mondo / Rome, Italy / Est. 1972
Fundación CODESPA / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1985
China International Public Relations Association / Beijing, China / Est. 1991
Inter-American Center of High Studies in Public Relations and Public Opinion / Lima, Peru / Est. 1979
Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace / Nagasaki, Japan
Société de promotion et de participations pour la coopération économique, Paris / Paris, France / Est. 1977
Centre de recherches et de promotion pour la sauvegarde des sites et monuments historiques en Afrique
African Commission of Health and Human Rights Promoters / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1989
PromaxBDA / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 1956
China International Council for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations / Beijing, China / Est. 1993
Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1971
Fundación Promoción Social / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1987
Centre d'étude et de promotion des relations entre les pays de l'Union européenne et de l'Amérique latine / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1981
International Association for the Promotion of the Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology / Est. 1976
World Squash Promoters' Federation / Est. 1989
Red Latinoamericana de Coordinación y Promoción de Tecnologia Apropiada / Est. 1978
International Committee for the Diffusion of Arts and Literature through the Cinema / Paris, France / Est. 1930
World Association for the Promotion of Culture / Est. 1971
International Conference on University Education for Public Relations / Est. 1961
Fédération internationale pour l'extension et la culture de la langue française / Est. 1905
Union of Public Relations Counsels in Europe / Est. 1952
International Committee to Promote Universal Free Trade / Est. 1921
International Council on Public Relations in Rehabilitation / Est. 1971
International Committee for the Promotion of Trade / Est. 1952

View all profiles (566 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Promotion

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Inadequate export marketing of products
Irresponsible tobacco and cigarette advertising
Excessive use of hormones in animal husbandry
Adverse effects of high-yield grain in traditional agricultural settings
Commercially sponsored health education
Downgrading of jobs due to computerization
Taxation deductions promoting unsustainable development
Biased presentation of news
Computer pornography
Excessive portrayal of substance abuse in the media
Resource consumption exacerbated by price distortions
Exploitation of the prostitution of others
Market indicators' exclusion of human requirements
Planetary cancer
Health inequalities
Irresponsible pharmaceutical advertising
Market research subservient to sales
Misrepresentation in educational materials
Promotion of negative images of opponents
Minimum promotion of community assets

Action Strategies relating to Promotion

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Improving accessibility of land resources
Promoting safety for older people at home
Networking archaeologists
Facilitating academic exchanges
Promoting study of industrial archaeology
Promoting indigenous development
Countering exploitation of women's image
Cultivating moral capacity
Promoting North-South environment and development
Recycling plastics
Discussing cultural heritage issues
Researching public health
Promoting cooperation amongst geographers
Promoting audio-visual material in third world
Enhancing vocational training capacity
Promoting cooperation in food processing industry
Promoting renewable energy
Fostering breastfeeding
Promoting voluntary surgical contraception
Promoting environmentally sound economic growth
Promoting safe motherhood
Promoting right to development

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