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UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Organizations relating to Housing, Tenants

International Housing and Home Warranty Association / London, UK / Est. 1993
Co-operative Housing International / Ottawa ON, Canada / Est. 1952
Committee on Housing and Land Management / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1947
European Charter for the Right to Housing and the Struggle Against Exclusion / Est. 1991
Shelter Centre / Est. 2005
European Social Housing Observatory / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1993
International Lodging Association / Chaumont-Gistoux, Belgium / Est. 1986
World Rainforest Movement / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1986
INTERVac - International Home Exchange Holiday Service / Paris, France / Est. 1953
Company for Habitat and Housing in Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1982
European Network for Housing Research / Delft, Netherlands / Est. 1988
Nubian Vault Association / Ganges, France / Est. 2000
Nordic House in Reykjavik / Reykjavik, Iceland / Est. 1968
Rooftops Canada / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1984
Peace Containers / Atlanta GA, USA
Residence Palace - International Press Centre / Brussels, Belgium
International Environment House / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1999
Global Housing Foundation / Oklahoma City OK, USA
Fondation des maisons familiales rurales dans le monde / Paris, France
Global Communities / Silver Spring MD, USA / Est. 1952
ShelterBox / Truro, UK / Est. 2000
Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa / Berlin, Germany / Est. 2001
Europäisches Bildungszentrum der Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft / Bochum, Germany / Est. 1957
International Housing Association / Est. 1928
Ibero-American Association of Printing Houses for the Visually Handicapped / Est. 1971
Afro-Asian Housing Organization / Est. 1965
United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning
International Federation of Europe Houses / Est. 1962
Standing Committee of Congresses on Low-Cost Housing / Est. 1900
Asian Coalition for Housing Finance / Mumbai, India
International Cooperative Housing Development Association / Est. 1966
Homeshare International / Oxford, UK / Est. 1999
Australasian Housing Institute / Mawson ACT, Australia / Est. 2001
Nordic Housing Administration Meeting / Helsinki, Finland
Convention Affecting the Nationality of Arabs Resident in Countries to Which They Are Not Related by Origin / Est. 1952
Convention Concerning Accommodation on Board Fishing Vessels / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1966
Convention Respecting Conditions of Residence and Business and Jurisdiction / Est. 1923
Convention Concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship, 1949 / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1949
Agreement Concerning the Residence of Refugees within the Meaning of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees / Est. 1965
Agreement Concerning Transfers between Sick Funds and Sickness Benefits During Temporary Residence / Est. 1956
Convention Respecting Transfers of Insured Persons from One Sick Fund to Another and Respecting Sickness Benefit During Temporary Residence / Est. 1953
Convention Concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship, 1946 / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1946
European Agreement Concerning the Provision of Medical Care to Persons During Temporary Residence / Est. 1980
Convention Concerning Accommodation of Crews, 1970 / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1970
Convention Establishing the Status of Naturalized Citizens Who Again Take up Their Residence in the Country of Their Origin / Est. 1906
Protocol Concerning the Exemption of Nationals of the Nordic Countries from the Obligation to Have a Passport or Residence Permit While Resident in a Nordic Country other than their Own / Est. 1954
Agreement Concerning Transfers of Persons Insured for Sickness Benefit and Concerning Sickness Benefit During Temporary Residence / Est. 1967
Hogar de Christo Housing Federation / Santiago, Chile / Est. 1958
Guild of International Concierges / Dulwich, UK / Est. 1988
Comisión Latinoamericana de la Vivienda

View all profiles (209 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Housing, Tenants

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Freezing of plumbing systems
Unsanitary and inhumane food animal conditions
Denial of right to sufficient shelter
Urban slums
Inadequate disinfection measures for animal housing and equipment
Tax discrimination against non-residents of a country
Illegal occupation of unoccupied property
Socially inappropriate housing
Segregation in housing
Improvisational housing
Absentee ownership
Unstable house structure
House moths
Inadequate housing for the aged
Over-spacing of suburban housing
Inadequate housing among indigenous peoples
Monolithic architecture of high-rise buildings
Inappropriate accommodations for single people
Middleman control of rural marketing
House dust
Substandard housing and accommodation
Discrimination against immigrants and aliens
Environmental degradation of inner city areas
Unethical real estate practice

Action Strategies relating to Housing, Tenants

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Lowering housing infrastructural standards
Researching housing needs
Maintaining library
Providing affordable housing loans
Developing housing policy
Compiling building data
Linking shelter and rural development
Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of national shelter strategies
Mobilizing financial resources for shelter
Demolishing housing
Financing rental housing
Reviewing housing laws and regulations
Training actors in the housing sector
Cultivating home gardens
Improving shelter for urban poor
Improving housing loan recovery methods
Encouraging private sector management of housing
Coordinating public and private sector action for shelter
Constructing low energy buildings
Recovering housing infrastructure investments
Developing national shelter strategies
Developing efficiency housing subsidy systems

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