Birds, Mammals → Cattle, Ungulates
Organizations relating to Cattle, Ungulates
International Sheep Veterinary Association / Kirriemuir, UK
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Buiatria / Est. 1971
Association of World Reindeer Herders / Kautokeino, Norway / Est. 1997
Asian Buffalo Association / Est. 1992
International Pinzgauer Cattle Breeders Association / Maishofen, Austria
World Holstein Friesian Federation / Est. 1960
European College of Small Ruminant Health Management / Richmond, UK / Est. 2008
International Limousin Council / Llandovery, UK
European Holstein and Red-Holstein Confederation / Est. 1966
World Guernsey Cattle Federation / Myrtleford, Australia
World Federation of Ayrshire Breed Societies / Prestwick, UK
World Angus Secretariat / Perth, UK / Est. 1969
Minipig Research Forum / Est. 2007
International Buffalo Information Centre / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1981
Centre international de ressources et de valorisation de l'information dans les filières laitières petits ruminants / Corte, France / Est. 1993
International Junior Brangus Breeders Association / San Antonio TX, USA / Est. 1977
International Federation of Goat Breeding / Est. 1925
International Society for the Protection and Breeding of Aurochs / Est. 1928
European Sheep Committee / Est. 1938
Nordisk Råd for Saue- og Geiteavl
Nordic Goat Producers Association
Federación Ganadera Internacional / Est. 1974
Joint Nordic Organization for Lappish Culture and Reindeer Husbandry Affairs / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1965
Brown Cattle Breeders' World Association / Paris, France / Est. 1982
International Texas Longhorn Association / Fort Worth TX, USA
International Nubian Breeders Association / Pine Bush NY, USA
Australasian Pig Science Association / Viveash WA, Australia / Est. 1987
International Salorn Association / Elmendorf TX, USA / Est. 1986
American International Charolais Association / Kansas City MO, USA / Est. 1957
International Society for Cow Protection / Gainesville FL, USA / Est. 1990
International Conference on Goat Production and Disease / Logan UT, USA
Accord Relatif à L'importation de la Viande Bovine en Provenance du Groupe des Etats D'Afrique, Caraïbes et Pacifique / Est. 1979
Arrangement Regarding Bovine Meat / Est. 1979
Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Conservation and Restoration of the Bukhara Deer / Bonn, Germany / Est. 2002
Convention for the Conservation and Management of the Vicuña / Est. 1979
International Llama Association / Est. 1982
Association of Central American Agro-Cattle Producers for Cooperation and Development, Nicaragua
Association générale internationale des commerces du bétail et des viandes
Caribbean Small Ruminants Network / St Augustine, Trinidad-Tobago
Société internationale pour la protection du bison européen / Est. 1923
World Buffalo Trust / Noida, India
American International Marchigiana Society / Walton KS, USA / Est. 1973
Commission of the Common Market of the European Cattle and Meat Trade Union / Est. 1957
International Gold Star Pig Registry / Pacifica CA, USA / Est. 1988
Latin American Federation of Fleckvieh Simmental Breeders / Buenos Aires, Argentina
World Buffalo Association, Limited Agricultural Association / Miami FL, USA / Est. 1987
Ranch communautaire des bovins trypanotolérants à Mukalaba
Cattle and Livestock Economic Community / Est. 1970
Performance Records International / Fairland OK, USA / Est. 1955
Beefmaster Breeders Universal / San Antonio TX, USA / Est. 1961
View all profiles (114 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Cattle, Ungulates
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialInfected sheep
Unexplained livestock mutilation
Brucellosis in animals
Classical swine fever
Exudative epidermitis
Threatened species of Capra aegagrus
Over-population of deer
Toxic sheep dips
Underutilized animal genetic resources
Lack of folic acid in diet
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Threatened species of Odocoileus virginianus
Sheep pox
Threatened species of Puma concolor couguar
Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia
Threatened species of Ovibos
Threatened species of llamas
Dangerous unconfirmed species
Malignant catarrhal fever
Mastitis in animals
Nairobi sheep disease
Action Strategies relating to Cattle, Ungulates
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialConserving ungulates
Conserving camels
Conserving rhinoceros
Reducing methane emissions from animal husbandry
Conserving peccaries
Husbanding camels
Conserving bison
Conserving wild cattle
Conserving pigs
Conserving caprinae
Localizing cattle stock exchange
Establishing milk goat industry
Improving local cattle stock
Improving basic cattle stock
Beginning scientific cattle breeding
Breeding cattle
Increasing productivity of cattle and livestock
Studying cattle diseases
Treating infected pigs
Treating infected cattle
Improving economic cattle breeding
Developing goat industry
Providing milking cows
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