Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Reduced inequalities

Inequality threatens long-term social and economic development, harms poverty reduction and destroys people’s sense of fulfillment and self-worth.

The incomes of the poorest 40 per cent of the population had been growing faster than the national average in most countries. But emerging yet inconclusive evidence suggests that COVID-19 may have put a dent in this positive trend of falling within-country inequality.

The pandemic has caused the largest rise in between-country inequality in three decades. Reducing both within- and between-country inequality requires equitable resource distribution, investing in education and skills development, implementing social protection measures, combating discrimination, supporting marginalized groups and fostering international cooperation for fair trade and financial systems.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

"Hope for Children" CRC Policy Center

HFC Nicosia Cyprus E

100 Million

2016 Lienden Netherlands F f

1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter

LC Prot 1996 1996 London UK T g

2Build 4 Ward International Organization

2x4 International Sacramento CA USA F

Boston MA USA F

50 Years Is Enough - US Network for Global Economic Justice

1994 Washington DC USA G

A Common Word Among the Youth

ACWAY Birmingham UK J

A Partnership with Africa

APA Dublin Ireland G

AAALAC International

1965 Frederick MD USA G y

ABC Global Alliance

2016 Lisbon Portugal E

Abolition 2000 - Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Abolition 2000 1995 Oakland CA USA F y

Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy

ANSER Ghent Belgium F

Academic Travel Abroad

ATA 1948 Washington DC USA N

Académie des sciences d'outre-mer

1922 Paris France G

Académie internationale des droits de l'homme

AIDH 1982 Puteaux France N

Academy of Business in Society

ABIS 2001 Brussels Belgium D

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

ACJS 1963 Greenbelt MD USA G

Academy of Eating Disorders

AED 1993 Wakefield MA USA E

Access Now

2009 New York NY USA C

Access Quality International

AQI Chiang Mai Thailand E

Access to Insurance Initiative

A2ii Eschborn Germany E y


1997 Washington DC USA G

ACP Civil Society Forum

ACP CSF 1997 St Michael Barbados F

ACP-EU Partnership Agreement

Cotonou agreement 2000 Brussels Belgium T g

ACP/LDC Sugar Industries Group

ACP Sugar 1952 Royston UK E g

Act Regarding Navigation and Economic Cooperation between the States of the Niger Basin

1963 T g


2015 Vienna Austria N

ACTEC - Association for Cultural, Technical and Educational Cooperation

1982 Brussels Belgium G


2004 Washington DC USA F

Action Children Aid

1966 Copenhagen Denmark G

Action d'appui pour la protection des droits des minorités en Afrique centrale

AAPDMAC Cyangugu Rwanda G

Action Five Percent for Development Aid

Action Five 1977 Bonn Germany G

Action for Peace through Prayer and Aid


Action for Post-Soviet Jewry

APSJ 1975 Waltham MA USA G

Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Diversity

A SEED 1992 Amsterdam Netherlands F

Action for World Solidarity

1957 Berlin Germany G v

Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific

ASAP 1990 Broadway Nedlands NSW Australia G

Action on Poverty

AOP 1968 Crows Nest NSW Australia G f

Actions de Solidarité Internationale

ASI 1983 Paris France G

ADA Microfinance

Luxembourg Luxembourg G

ADD International

Frome UK G

Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Protocol of San Salvador 1988 Washington DC USA T g

Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Transmission of Applications for Legal Aid

2001 Strasbourg France T g

Additional Protocol to the European Convention on State Immunity

1972 T g

Additional Protocol to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities

1995 Strasbourg France T g

Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaints

1995 Strasbourg France T g

Additional Protocol to the Inter-American Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad

1984 Washington DC USA T g


2008 Brussels Belgium D

Administrative Tribunal of the Organization of American States

1971 Washington DC USA K g

Advice on Individual Rights in Europe Centre

AIRE Centre 1993 London UK G
