International Association of Timber Rafting (IATR)
Association internationale des flotteurs et radeliers
Asociación Internacional de Navateros, Almadieros y Gancheros
Internationale Flössereivereinigung
Associació Internacional de Raiers
Associazione Internazionale degli Zattieri
Internasjonale Tommerflotteroranisasjonen
Kansainvälinen Tukkilaisyhdiastys
Asociatia Internationala a Plutasilor
Internacionala Koku Pludinataju Asociacija
Mednarodna Zveza Splavarjev
Mezinarodni Asociace Plavcu A Voraru
Miedzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Flisaków
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Contact Details
URL: http://www.raftsmen.org/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/raftsmen
1989-11-11 Barcelona Spain
Study and publicize information on old methods of transporting timber down rivers and over lakes so as to preserve this part of culture as part of ancestral ethnological roots; safeguard timber rafting as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and transfer experiences to the next generations.
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