Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM)
Conseil des ministres des pays nordiques
Consejo Nórdico de Ministros
Nordisk Ministerråd (NMR)
Nordiska Ministerrådet (NMR)
Pohjoismaiden Ministerineuvosto (PMN)
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1971-02-13 Copenhagen Denmark
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
Accomplish the tasks laid down by the Helsinki Treaty; examine questions of Nordic international cooperation; preserve and further develop cooperation among Nordic countries in legal, cultural, educational, social and economic fields and on communications and environment; eliminate obstacles to closer cooperation in other areas. In view of increased and deepened integration in Europe as a whole, in which Nordic cooperation is an integral part: ensure participation of Nordic countries in expanded cooperation with the rest of Europe on foreign and security policy, so as to enable Nordic countries to shape the future development of their own societies and take their share of responsibility for ensuring an order of peace and cooperation in Europe; meet future needs of Nordic countries at both Nordic and European levels by strengthening Nordic cooperation in areas of common Nordic interest and expanding political cooperation on issues related to European and regional cooperation so as to facilitate participation of Nordic countries in European Economic Area and European Union cooperation; as a priority, expand the working programme for Nordic cooperation with areas adjacent to the Nordic region.
219 past events available with paid subscription only.Activities
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Languages
Available with paid subscription only.Staff
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
- E-XE8199 - Adjudicating Committee for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize;
- D-XD5969 - Arctic Council;
- E-XE2315 - Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP);
- E-XE6139 - European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (European Centre);
- C-XC1732 - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES);
- E-XE5565 - Joint Committee of the Nordic Medical Research Councils;
- H-XF7181 - Joint Nordic Organization for Lappish Culture and Reindeer Husbandry Affairs;
- D-XD5365 - Joint Nordic Organization for Technical Testing;
- S-XF0487 - Meeting of the Chief Statisticians of the Nordic Countries;
- D-XM3843 - Nordens välfärdscenter (NVC);
- H-XD2202 - Nordic Committee for Consultation in Fishery Matters (NKO);
- E-XD5795 - Nordic Committee for Coordination of Electrical Safety Matters;
- E-XD4546 - Nordic-Baltic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL);
- D-XD3352 - Nordic Committee for Public Inspection of Flammable and Explosive Goods;
- E-XD8190 - Nordic Contact Concerning State Building Activities;
- D-XD2204 - Nordic Immigration Committee (not listed in official Handbook);
- F-XF5791 - Nordic Investment Bank (NIB);
- E-XE1532 - Nordic Joint Advisory Group on Refugee Policy;
- F-XD0224 - Nordic Passport Union;
- D-XD2994 - Nordic Postal Union (NPU);
- D-XD2203 - Nordic Tax Research Council;
- F-XF0428 - Nordisk Folkeoplysnings- og Voksenundervisningssamarbejde (FOVU);
- E-XE4975 - Nordisk Kärnsäkerhetsforskning (NKS);
- E-XD2847 - Nordisk Samarbeidsnaevn for Naturvidenskab (NOS-N);
- D-XD7683 - Nordiska Samarbetsrådet för Kriminologi (NSfK);
- H-XD3093 - Nordiska Tulladministrativa Rådet (NTR).
- E-XE1846 - North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO);
- E-XE4176 - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE);
- F-XF3820 - Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea (VASAB);
- F-XD0812 - West-Nordic Foundation;
- E-XE9798 - WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
- F-XF5113 - Arctic Vocational Foundation;
- D-XD6446 - Association of European Border Regions (AEBR);
- F-XF5898 - Baltic Development Forum;
- F-XF1471 - Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB);
- F-XF3708 - Cochrane Collaboration;
- G-XJ3791 - Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR);
- D-XD0282 - Dövas Nordiska Råd (DNR);
- F-XF2532 - Filmkontakt Nord - Nordisk Panorama Foundation;
- D-XD1244 - Föreningarna Nordens Förbund (FNF);
- H-XD0485 - Handikapporganisationernes Nordiska Råd (HNR);
- D-XD9402 - International Society of Fish and Shellfish Immunology (ISFSI);
- U-XF5142 - Koordineringskommittén för Hydrologi i Norden (KOHYNO);
- D-XD5936 - Nordens Fackliga Samorganisation (NFS);
- D-XD3175 - Nordic Amateur Theatre Council;
- D-XD8197 - Nordic Art Association;
- H-XD7666 - Nordic Association for the Study of Education in Developing Countries (NASEDEC);
- D-XE1201 - Nordic Association of University Administrators (NAUA);
- S-XS9256 - Nordic Building Research Meeting;
- D-XD3179 - Nordic Cancer Union (NCU);
- E-XE1828 - Nordic Centre Youth (NCY);
- U-XU1631 - Nordic Council for Cooperation in Silvicultural Research;
- D-XD4445 - Nordic Council for Wildlife Research (NCWR);
- U-XD3354 - Nordic Employers' Organization;
- H-XD4350 - Nordic Federation for Medical Education (NFME);
- U-XF3736 - Nordic Folk University;
- U-XK1004 - Nordic Geoexcursions to Iceland;
- S-XS0129 - Nordic Housing Administration Meeting (not listed in official Handbook);
- F-XF1535 - Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating;
- H-XD3157 - Nordic Molecular Biology Association (NOMBA);
- D-XD3010 - Nordic Nurses' Federation (NNF);
- D-XD1348 - Nordic Theatres Council;
- D-XD0242 - Nordic Union Hotels, Restaurants, Catering and Tourism (NU HRCT);
- D-XD4352 - Nordic Wood Preservation Council (NWPC);
- U-XF5150 - Nordisk Institut Samarbejde (NIS);
- U-XD7048 - Nordiska Byggforskningsorganens Samarbetsgrupp (NBS);
- D-XD3174 - Nordiska Jordbruksforskares Förening (NJF);
- U-XD5316 - Nordiska Skogsteknologiska Rådet (NSR);
- H-XD9221 - NORDTEL - Nordic Cooperation in the Field of Telecommunications;
- F-XK0479 - NORDUnet;
- D-XD0254 - Saami Council;
- U-XF5377 - Samarbetsforum för Nordisk Metrologi - Mätteknik (NORMET);
- U-XK2129 - Samarbetsnämnden för Norden-Undervisning i Utlandet;
- E-XE3018 - Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI);
- D-XD4173 - Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC);
- B-XB3504 - World Crafts Council (WCC International).
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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