Government → Ministers, Deputies
Organizations relating to Ministers, Deputies
Red Iberoamericana Ministerial de Aprendizaje e Investigación en Salud / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 2005
Council of Arab Ministers for Youth and Sports / Cairo, Egypt
ACP-EU Council of Ministers / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1977
Council of Arab Ministers for Social and Economic Affairs / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1980
Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment / Cairo, Egypt
Council of Arab Ministers of Tourism / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1998
Council of Arab Ministers of Health / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1975
Andean Council of Foreign Ministers / Lima, Peru
Arab Telecommunication and Information Council of Ministers
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1974
Council of Arab Ministers of Finance / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Caribbean Forum of Local Government Ministers / Kingston, Jamaica / Est. 2004
Conférence des ministres des finances des pays de la Zone franc / Paris, France / Est. 1964
Club of Vienna / Est. 1979
African Ministerial Conference on the Environment / Nairobi, Kenya
Ministerial Conference on Fisheries Cooperation Among African States Bordering the Atlantic Ocean / Rabat, Morocco / Est. 1989
South-East Europe Defense Ministerial / Ankara, Türkiye / Est. 1996
African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology / Geneva, Switzerland
Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials responsible for Cultural Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean / Bogota, Colombia
Council of Ministers for Asian Economic Cooperation / Est. 1968
Nordic Ministerial Committee for Coordination of Development Assistance / Est. 1961
Council of Arab Ministers of Justice / Cairo, Egypt
Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Human Development / Est. 1993
TV5MONDE Afrique / Paris, France / Est. 1992
Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Tourism / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1939
Conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean / Santiago, Chile / Est. 1977
Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International / Est. 1962
Commonwealth Women's Affairs Ministers Meeting / London, UK / Est. 1985
Commonwealth Ministers of Employment / Labour Meeting / London, UK
Baltic Sea Conference of Ministers of Transport / Warsaw, Poland
Conference of Ministers Responsible for the Application of Science and Technology to Development in Africa
Conférence des ministres de la justice des pays d'expression française
Conference of European Ministers of Social Affairs / Vienna, Austria
Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting / London, UK
Conference of Ministers of Economic Affairs of the Maghreb Countries / Mutuelleville, Tunisia
Conference of African Ministers of Transport, Communications and Planning
Meeting of Ministers Responsible for the Economic Integration of Central America / Guatemala, Guatemala
Conference of Gulf States Ministers of Agriculture / Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Board of the Ministers of Information of the Arab Gulf States
Reunión de Ministros de Obras Públicas y de Transportes de los Paises de l Cono Sur
Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Family Affairs / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1959
Conférence des ministres de la santé publique des pays d'expression française
Conférence des ministres chargés de l'environnement des pays ayant en commun l'usage du français / Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Conference of Balkan Foreign Ministers
Conference of Ministers Responsible for the Application of Science and Technology to Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Conférence des ministres de l'éducation des pays socialistes
Ministers of Education and Those Responsible for Economic Planning in African Member States / Est. 1961
Meeting of Ministers of Health in the Andean Region / Lima, Peru / Est. 1971
Regional Conference of Ministers of Education and Those Responsible for Economic Planning in Asia and the Pacific
Conference of Asian and Pacific Labour Ministers
View all profiles (150 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Ministers, Deputies
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialUnethical practices of government leaders
Action Strategies relating to Ministers, Deputies
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialCoordinating government policy-making
Arranging meetings of government ministers
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