Newsletter of the Union of International Associations

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UIA’s World of Associations is our e-newsletter, which reaches over 15,000 international associations with a focus on our publications, services and activities supporting associations, and on promoting contact with the providers they need. The e-newsletter features the popular series ‘Why this city?’, with companion articles to highlight aspects of association and conference life. Toolboxes will announce new developments, while our list of upcoming congresses across the regions of the world will give a glimpse of the extraordinary range of events and their venues, taken from our constantly updated and expanded Congress Calendar. We shall feature networks, partners, associations new and old – the UIA’s Yearbook and Global Civil Society Database are brimming with information to share. Our e-newsletter continues to be an interactive platform for international associations who are seeking for opinion-sharing with their peers on topical issues, best practices and experiences. And if you have news, share it with us.

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Newsletter Archive

June 2012
In This Issue:
  • Rio+20: A responsibility of citizens and citizens' organizations of all continents, all ages, all persuasions. The planet is ours...
  • How can international associations contribute to a green economy to achieve sustainable development?
  • Favourite spots in Rio
May 2012
In This Issue:
  • Two recent changes to Value Added Tax which international associations with any EU connections need to take into account
  • Rotary International talks about how they motivate people to become a member
  • Favourite spots in Bangkok
April 2012
In This Issue:
  • Simply effective meetings: meetings that interest, involve, and inspire participation in an age of collaboration
  • EPOS talks about the importance of their congresses to the association and their main challenges
  • Favourite spots in Helsinki
March 2012
In This Issue:
  • Lobbying in Brussels: Competition of interests and why associations should engage at the European level
  • International associations have more and more members from all over the world. What should they know about cross intercultural communication?
  • Favourite spots in Philadelphia
February 2012
In This Issue:
  • A socially responsible economy: The role of associations will be critical, as they are a source of knowledge.
  • EAU talks about the integration of social media and the latest technologies in their congresses
  • Favourite spots in Paris
January 2012
In This Issue:
  • The Year of...? 2011 was declared the Year of Forests by the UN, and the Year of Volunteering by the EU. Are these 'Years' effective, do they make a difference?
  • How has the world changed in terms of conference organisation, and how can associations cope with these changes?
  • Favourite spots in Estoril
December 2011
In This Issue:
  • Constantly evolving, adding to the collected history of international civil society and increasing its value, the UIA is moving into its second century with enthusiasm
  • Times are tough: Should international associations spend their marketing dollars at trade shows?
  • Favourite spots in Valencia
November 2011
In This Issue:
  • UIA's 2011 RoundTable: "Associations in action: social legacy and community engagement"
  • EWEA: Innovating today, shaping tomorrow
  • Favourite spots in Kyoto
October 2011
In This Issue:
  • Tribute to Wangari Maathai: an outstanding woman, an outstanding humanist, innovator, civil society activist, and leader.
  • Personalisation at congresses: Which main trends in the convention industry are relevant for international associations?
  • Favourite spots in Leipzig
September 2011
In This Issue:
  • Social Legacy: End your next conference not only with a smile on your own face but also leaving a smile on the faces of those you've left behind you.
  • IHEU talks about their congress following the bombing in Oslo and the massacre at Utøya
  • Favourite spots in Oslo
