The UIA’s Yearbook of International Organizations provides the authoritative overview of international organizations. It is continuously updated online and the print version is reprinted annually.

For over 100 years, the UIA has been a leading provider of reliable information on global civil society. Today, the UIA’s Yearbook of International Organizations offers detailed information on more than 41,000 active international organizations from 300 countries and territories. There is no other publication that provides such a comprehensive overview of institutionsand associations currently serving global civil society, including intergovern- mental and international non-governmental organizations. And the Yearbook is being updated continuously, making it an indispensable and up-to-date source of valuable data.

In addition, the UIA has initiated the Open Yearbook project, offering free open access to organizations’ names, history and aims for all the profiles included in the full version. Subscribing grants unlimited access to the complete detailed profiles and use of all search functions, such as name, location, foundation year, subject matter, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, membership, size, etc. Data can be exported for up to 500 search results in XLS, CSV or TXT formats. The online database is updated daily.

The UIA’s Yearbook is an invaluable source of information on international organizations:
  • More than 77,000 profiles of international IGOs and NGOs
  • Over 41,000 organizations currently active
  • 1,200 organizations added annually
  • Available in print and online by short­ and long­term subscriptions