Many international organizations may be usefully characterized by the emphasis they give to a particular mode of action. The emphasis may even be reflected in the actual name of the organization, thus distinguishing it from the majority of organizations (possibly to the point of raising the questions as to whether it really should be considered as an organization).
The modes of action concerned are listed below. In each case examples of international bodies are given. In most cases the names of the bodies provide sufficient clue to the manner in which the organization is oriented by the mode in question.
4.3.1 Treaty:
- Warsaw Treaty Organization
- Atlantic Treaty Association
- Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (which administers the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America)
- Central Treaty Organization
4.3.2 Agreement administration:
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- International Tin Council
- International Wheat Council
- International Whaling Commission
Some of the commodity arrangements renewable after one or more years result in the dissolution of the administering body at the end of each such period and its continuation under the new agreement.
4.3.3 Arbitration:
- Permanent Court of Arbitration
- International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
4.3.4 Clearing:
- Asian Clearing Union
- Bank for International Settlements
- West Africa Clearing House
4.3.5 Negotiation:
- Group of 77
- Group of 10
4.3.6 Nomenclature:
- International Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants
- International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
- International Building Classification Committee
4.3.7 Standardization:
- International Organization for Standardization
- International Bureau of Weights and Measures
4.3.8 Travel:
- World Expeditionary Association
The major activity of this body is to facilitate low-cost air travel for members.
4.3.9 Examination:
- International Baccalaureate Office
4.3.10 Field Action:
- International Secretariat for Volunteer Service
4.3.11 Personal Contact:
- Experiment in International Living
4.3.12 Commemoration:
- World Association for Celebrating the Year 2000
- International Auschwitz Committee
- International Gustav Mahler Society
4.3.13 Computation:
- International Computing Centre
4.3.14 Language:
- International Association of French-Language Sociologists
- English-Speaking Union
- Universal Esperanto Association