Policy Alternation for Development


Anthony Judge

1. Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps. Networking; the first report and directory. Doubleday, 1982

2. Paul Feyerabend. Against Method: outline of an anarchist theory of knowledge. Verso, 1978

3. Ivan Illich. Medical Nemesis; the expropriation of health. Pantheon, 1976.

4. Jacques Attali. L'Ordre cannibale. Paris, Grasset, 1979

5. Jacques Attali. Les Trois Mondes; pour une theorie de l'apres-crise. Paris, Fayard, 1981

6. Nicholas Rescher. Cognitive Systematization; a systems-theoretic approach to a coherentist theory of knowledge. Blackwell, 1979

7. Edgar Morin. Pour Sortir du XXe Siecle. Paris, Fernand Nathan, 1981

8. David Bohm. Wholeness and the Impicate Order. Routledge and Kegan Pual, 1980

9. Immanuel Wallerstein. A world-system perspective on the social sciences. British Journal of Sociology, 27, 3, September 1976, pp. 343-352

10. Immanuel Wallerstein. Patterns and prospectives of the capitalist world-economy. Tokyo, United Nations University, 1981 (HSDRSCA-74/UNUP-300)

11. Immanuel Wallerstein. La crise comme transition. In: ref. 11, pp 10-56

12. Samir Amin, Giovanni Arrighi, Andre Gunder Frank and Immanuel Wallerstein. La Crise, Quelle Crise? Paris, Maspero, 1982

13. Herb Addo. Approaching the New International Economic Order dialectically and transformationally. Tokyo, United Nations University, 1982 (HSDRGPID-53/UNUO-318)

14. Herb Addo. World-system critique of Eurocentric concepts of development. Unpublished manuscript, 1981.

15. Douglas R. Hofstadter. Gödel, Escher, Bach; an eternal golden braid. Harvester Press, 1979

16. Paul Levy. Reflexions sur les associations internationales non-gouvernementales oeuvrant pour la paix. Associations Transnationales, 32, 1980, 10, pp 405-406

17. Henri Atlan. Le Cristal et la fumee. Paris, Seuil, 1979

18. Ilya Prigogine and J. Stengers. La Nouvelle Alliance. Paris, Gallimard, 1979

19. Rene Thom. Modèles Mathematiques de la Morphogènese. Christian Bourgois, 1980

20. Erich Jantsch and C H Waddington (Ed). Evolution and Consciousness; human systems in transition. Reading, Addision-Wesley, 1976

21. Erich Jantsch. The Self-Organizing Universe; scientific and human implications of the emerging paradigm of evolution. Pergamon, 1980

22. Anthony Judge. Beyond method; engaging opposition in psycho-social organization (Paper for the methodology meeting of the UN University GPID project, Bucharest, 1981) [text]

23. Anthony Judge. Patterns of N-foldness; comparison of integrated multi-set concept schemes as forms of presentation (Paper for GPID Forms of Presentation meeting, June 1980) [text]

24. Anthony Judge. Needs communications; viable needs patterns and their identification. In: Katrin Lederer (Ed). Human Nedds; a contribution to the current debate. Konigstein, Verlag Anton Hain, 1980, pp. 279-312 [text]

25. Penser / Classer. Le Genre Humain. Fayard, 2, 1982 (special issue)

26. Anthony Judge. Anti-developmental biases in thesaurus design (Paper for the UNESCO Conference on conceptual and terminological analysis. Bielfeld, 1981). In: Proceedings, Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation, Frankfurt/Main, 1981 [text]

27. Anthony Judge. Alternation between development modes; reinforcing dynamic conception through functional classification of international organizations and their concerns. (Paper for a meeting of Integrative Group B of the UN University GPID project, Athens, 1982) [text]

28. Union of International Associations. Yeabook of International Organizations. Brussels, UIA, 1981, 19th ed.

29. Gregory Bateson. Mind and Nature; a necessary unity. Dutton, 1979

30. Antonio de Nicolas. Meditations through the Rg Veda. Shambhala, 1978

31. Ernest G McClain. The Myth of Invariance: the origins of the gods, mathematics and music from the Rg Veda to Plato. Shambhala, 1978

32. Patrick A. Heelan. The Logic of Changing Classificatory Frameworks. In: J A WoJciechowski (Ed). Conceptual Basis for the Classiication of Knowledge. K G Saur, 1974, pp. 260-274

33. C. A. Hooker. The impact of quantum theory on the conceptual bases for the classification of knowledge. In: J A Wolciechowski (Ed), ref. 32

34. Anthony Judge. Liberation of integration; pattern, oscillation, harmony and embodiment (Paper for the 5th Network Meeting of the UN University PGID project, Montreal, 1980) [text]

35. Christopher Alexander. A Pattern Language. Oxford University Press, 1977

36. Christopher Alexander. The Timeless Way of Building. Oxford University Press, 1979

37. Alvin Toffler. The Third Wave. Willieam Morrow, 1980

38. Ilya Prigogine. Order through fluctuation: self-organization and social system. In: Erich Jantsch (Ed), ref. 20

39. Ilya Prigogine. From Being to Becoming; time and complexity in the physical sciences. San Francisco, Freeman, 1980

40. R. E. Ornstein (Ed). The Nature of Human Consciousness. San Francisco, Freeman, 1973

41. Pitirim A. Sorokin. Social and Cultural Dynamics. 1937, 3 vols.

42. R Buckminster Fuller. Synergetics: explorations in the geometry of thinking. Macmillan, 1975 (vol. I), 1979 (vol. II)

43. Anthony Judge. Representation, comprehension and communication of sets; the role of number. International Classification, 5, 1978, 3, pp. 126-133; 6, 1979, 1, pp. 16-25; 6, 1979, 2, pp. 92-103 (Also UN University HSDRPGIP-22/UNUP-133) [text]

44. Anthony Judge. The future of comprehension; conceptual birdcages and functional basketweaving. 1980 [text]

45. Anthony Judge. Integrative dimensions of concept sets; transformations with minimal distortion btween implicitness and explicitness of set representation according to constraints on communicability (Paper for Integrative Group B of the UN University GPID project, Tokyo, 1980) [text]

46. Itzhak Bentov. Stalking the Wild Pendulum. Dutton, 1977

47. Fritjof Capra. The Tao of Physics. Shambhala, 1975

48. G. Zukav. The Dancing Wu-Li Masters. William Morrow, 1979

50. Carl G. Jung. The Collected Works of C G Jung. Princeton University Press, 1953-1971

51. Anthony Stevens. Archetype; a natural history of the self. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982

52. Jacques Attali. Bruits. Presses Universitaires de France, 1977

53. Ron Atkin. Combinatorial Connectivities in Social Systems; an application of simplicial complex structures to the study of large organisations. Basel, Birkhauser, 1977

54. Ron Atkin. Multidimensional Man; can man live in 3-dimensional space? Penguin, 1981

55. Ron Atkin. Mathematical Structures in Human Affairs. Heinememan, 1974

56. Anthony Judge. Beyond edge-bound comprehension and modal impotence. (Paper for Integrative Group B of the UN University GPID project, Tokyo, 1981) [text]

57. Edgar Faure (Ed). Learning to Be; the world of education today and tomorrow. Paris, UNESCO, 1972

58. Anthony Judge. Societal learning and the erosion of collective memory (Report for 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation, Brussels, 1980) In: Th Dimitrov. International Information for the 80s. Uniflo, 1982 [text]

59. K. Soedjatmoko. The future and the learning capacity of nations; the role of communications. Transnational Associations, 33, 1981, 2, pp. 80-85

60. James W Botkin, Mahdi Elmandjra and Mircea Malitza. No Limits to Learning; bridging the human gap. Oxford, Pergamon, 1979 ("A Report to the Club of Romeo)

61. Arthur Young. The Geometry of Meaning. Delacorte Press / Seymour Lawrence, 1978

62. Anthony Judge. Transcending duality through tensional integrity. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 5, pp. 248-265 [text]

63. Anthony Judge. Groupware configurations of challenge and harmony; an alternative approach to alternative organisation. In: Richard Ericson (Ed). Improving the Human Condition; quality and stability in social systems. Washington, Society for General Systems Research, 1979, pp. 597-610 [text]

64. Anthony Judge. Implementing principles by balancing configurations of functions; a tensegrity organisation approach. Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 12, pp. 587-591 [text]

65. Anthony Judge. Tensed networks; balancing and focusing network dynamics in response to networking diseases. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 11, pp. 480-485 [text]

66. Edward F. Haskell. Generalization of the structure of Mendeleev's periodic table. In: E F Haskell (Ed). Moral Force of Unified Science. New York, Gordon and Breach, 1972, pp. 21-87

67. Anthony Judge. Minding the future; a thought experiment on presenting new information. (Prepared for the forms of Presentation meeting of the UN University GPID project, Geneva, 1980) [text]

68. Anthony Judge. Development: beyond "science" to "wisdom". In: H Buchholz and W Gmelin (Ed). Science and Technology and the Future. K G Saur, 1979, pp. 738-762 [text]

69. Anthony Judge. The territory construed as a map; in search of radical design innovations in the representation of human activities and their relationships. (Unpublished manuscript for the UN University GPID project) 1979 [text]

70. Yona Friedman.

71. Anthony Judge. Collective learning from global calls for action. Transnational Associations, 34, 1982, 1, pp. 26-28 [text]

72. Anthony Judge. Beyond Sun, Sea and Sex: conference marketing and communication issues of the future. 1999 [text]

73. Anthony Judge. Information mapping for development. Transnational Associations. [text]

74. Anthony Judge. Facilitating the networking processes of a transnational university using computer conferencing. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 4, pp. 205-214 [text]

75. Mary Catherine Bateson. Our Own Metaphor: a personal account of a conference on the effects of conscious purpose on human adaptation. New York, Knopf, 1972.

76. Christina von Weizacker. Die umweltfreundliche Emanzipation. In: Humanoekologie. Wien, Georgi, 1975