On the following page is an estimated task schedule for joint INFO2000/infoDev project activities. This chart was prepared for the INFO2000 project and has been adapted to the requirements of the infoDev extension.
The activity funded by infoDev would ideally commence in the second half of 1998 and continue through to the end of 2001 (coincident with the completion of the DAINET development). We have scheduled it to commence in month 10 (October 1998). It would then interface with the INFO2000-funded activities, with an overlap zone of 15 months.
In the period 2000/2001, following the INFO2000 product/service launch and termination of the INFO2000-funded activity, activities will be entirely funded by infoDev.
The table below lists the major activities during the 3+ years of the INTERCEPT project. Their detailed scheduling would occur in the Pre-Establishment Phase (Oct – Dec 1998).
INTERCEPT for infoDev | |
1998 (Oct – Dec) | Pre-Establishment Phase
1999: Year 1 | Technical Development Phase
2000: Year 2 | Project Implementation Phase 1
2001: Year 3 | Project Implementation Phase 2