This section contains the following subsections (use the links in the Table of Contents to navigate)
- 8.1. Interwoven alternatives: organizational tensegrity and resonance hybrids
- 8.2. Non-comprehension as a structuring characteristic of a learning society
- 8.3. Learning cycles
- 8.4. Patterns of alternation: a musical key from a political philosopher
- 8.5. Patterns of alternation: an agricultural key from crop rotation
- 8.6. The entropic crisis and the learning response
- 8.7. Alternation between energetic expansion and mentalistic reduction
- 8.8. Uncertainty: the source of meaning
- 8.9. Morphic resonance
- 8.10. Toward an enantiomorphic policy
- 8.11. Game comprehension and identity transformation
- 8.12. Ecodynamics and societal evolution
- 8.13. Language of probabilistic vision of the world