From Networking to Tensegrity Organization

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title:Enhancing Transnational Network Action

In recent issues of Transnational Associations reports have been published on " complexity "as a constraint on social innovation. Those articles sho­wed how the complexity of world pro­blems was not matched and contained by an appropriate network of concepts, information systems and organizations. And, perhaps even more seriously, it was pointed out that our antiquated approach to organizing meetings seems to obstruct any efforts to focus effecti­vely on complex issues without dange­rously over-simplifying them, alienating potential collaborators, or inhibiting our ability to act.

Anthony Judge

title:Network Organizational Strategy

The conventional approach to any problem situation is to elaborate a strategy. But, as this publication attempts to show, the number, variety and interrelationships of the problems are such that it is legitimate to question whether any conventional strategy could be even partly adequate. A fundamental difficulty today is the predilection for simplistic hierarchical representation of the interrelationships between concepts, between organizations, and between problems.

Anthony Judge

title:Experiences in Networking

The workshop itself was an experiment in functioning on the network model: we functioned non-hierarchically, aimed at maximizing the ability of each person to contribute from her /his experience and insights, assumed and respected the expertise of each participant, and took from people's experience on all levels from the microcosm (the single human being) to the macrocosm (international networks, universal consciousness) and found the possibilities for generalizing from one leve1 to another.

Anthony Judge

title:Enhancing network action

Sections of this Article (accessed via the links on the right)

  • The Harmony of Interaction and the Facilitation of Network Processes (1974)
  • Experiences in networking
  • Network Organizational Strategy (1976)
  • Enhancing Transnational Network Action (1977)
  • Facilitating the Networking Processes of a Transnational University Using Computer Conferencing (1978)
  • Transnational network of research and service communities: organizational hybrid (1974)
Anthony Judge

title:Research topics on international non-governmental organization

In a further effort to stimulate academic study of "international nongovernmental nonprofit organizations", it seemed useful to bring together into one list many of the areas which have not been researched or which merit further attention. This is done below. It is hoped that even if the topics selected do not cover the major areas of interest, they will at least serve to highlight any lacunas. Comments would be welcomed.

Anthony Judge

title:Organizational Systems Versus Network Organization

The interdisciplinary and intersectoral round-table discussion took place as one of the working groups of the preliminary meeting on "Exploring the Network alternative" which was held at the University of Concordia, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 18-20 November 1976 (see report on pages 352-3551.

The purpose of the discussion was to examine the problem of clarifying the concepts associated with "network".

Anthony Judge


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