From Networking to Tensegrity Organization

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title:Inter-Organizational Networking

with contributions from A.J.N. Judge

Both social science literature and practical experience show that networking benefits the organizations themselves and advances their common goals. This paper will be dealing with Inter-Organizational Networks (know as IONs), their functioning and operations and the special characteristics of this style of cooperation (1).

David Horton Smith

title:Implementing Principles by Balancing Configurations of Functions: a tensegrity organization approach


When a decision is made to pursue a group of concerns, there is a basic problem of ensuring that they are appropriately interrelated and do not simply constitute a fragmented collection of initiatives. This paper examines a new approach to the systematic recognition of the interrelationships necessary to the emergence of a viable configuration of concerns at a new level of significance.

Anthony Judge

title:Groupware Configurations of Challenge and Harmony: an alternative approach to alternative organization


Organizations have traditionally been based on some more or less explicit notion of hierarchy. This paper is not concerned with varieties of alternative organization which may be obtained by tinkering with the hierarchical formula and introducing participative forms of decision-making, worker management, etc. The intention is to look beyond hierarchy (1). A recently much-favoured approach is that of networks and 'networking' which has now been quite extensively described and practised (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) as a contrast to hierarchical activity.

Anthony Judge


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