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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Africa Freedom of Information Centre

AFIC 2006 Kampala Uganda F y XJ7664

African Coffee Research Network

ACRN 1993 Mukono Uganda F XF3349

African Field Epidemiology Network

AFENET 2005 Kampala Uganda F XJ3741

African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

AFAAS 2005 Kampala Uganda F AA1255

African Initiatives for Relief and Development

AIRD 2006 Kampala Uganda F XM4447

African Network for Care of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS

ANECCA 2001 Kampala Uganda F XJ7270

African Network for Strategic Communication in Health and Development

AfriComNet 2001 Kampala Uganda F XM4510

Banana Research Network for Eastern and Southern Africa

BARNESA 1994 Kampala Uganda F XK1491

CBR Africa Network

CAN 2002 Kampala Uganda F XJ2081

East African Development Bank

EADB 1967 Kampala Uganda F g XF4208

East African School of Library and Information Science

EASLIS 1963 Kampala Uganda F XF0258

East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Network

EHAHRD-Net 2005 Kampala Uganda F XM5773

Eastern Africa Centre for Constitutional Development

Kituo Cha Katiba 1997 Kampala Uganda F XJ1015

Freedom of Information Advocates Network

FOIAnet 2002 Kampala Uganda F y XM0731

GBV Prevention Network

2003 Kampala Uganda F XJ7450

Isis Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange

ISIS-WICCE 1974 Kampala Uganda F XF0271

Islamic University in Uganda

IUIU 1988 Mbale Uganda F g XF5214

NGO Commonwealth Women's Network

CWN 1991 Kampala Uganda F XF6511

Nile Basin Discourse

NBD 2003 Entebbe Uganda F XJ5089

Nile Basin Initiative

NBI 1999 Entebbe Uganda F g XF6429

Pan-African Human Rights Defenders Network

AfricanDefenders 2009 Kampala Uganda F XM6453

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture

RUFORUM 2004 Kampala Uganda F XM3266


2019 Kampala Uganda F AA4811

Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Initiative

SEATINI 1996 Kampala Uganda F t XF6432

Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa

SIHA 1995 Kampala Uganda F XJ9985


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