This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Network of African Science Academies

NASAC 2001 Nairobi Kenya F y XJ7955

Network of AIDS Researchers of Eastern and Southern Africa

NARESA 1988 Nairobi Kenya F y XF2561

Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority

NCTTCA 1985 Mombasa Kenya F g XF2007

Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa

ODINAFRICA 2000 Nairobi Kenya F XF6702

Oxfam International

1995 Nairobi Kenya F y XF4447

Pan-African Bean Research Alliance

PABRA 1996 Nairobi Kenya F XM2850

Pan-African Citizens Network

PACIN 2007 Nairobi Kenya F XM6228

Participatory Ecological Land Use Management

PELUM Association 1995 Thika Kenya F XF4652

Partnership for African Social and Governance Research

PASGR 2011 Nairobi Kenya F XJ6590

Partnership for Economic Policy

PEP 2002 Nairobi Kenya F XJ5311

PTA Reinsurance Company

ZEP-RE 1990 Nairobi Kenya F eg XF3052

Regional Agricultural Trade Intelligence Network

RATIN 2004 Nairobi Kenya F XJ3165

Regional Seas Programme

1974 Nairobi Kenya F g XF4234

Settlements Information Network Africa

SINA 1982 Nairobi Kenya F y XF1025

Tax Justice Network-Africa

TJN-A 2007 Nairobi Kenya F y XM4470

World Fund for Development and Planning

WFDP 2012 Nairobi Kenya F AA3020

Zeitz Foundation for Intercultural Ecosphere Safety

Zeitz Foundation 2008 Nairobi Kenya F f XM5933

Africa Alliance for Health Research and Economic Development

AAHRED 2016 Nairobi Kenya G AA2786

Africa Centre for Open Governance

AfriCOG Nairobi Kenya G XJ5747

Africa Nomads Conservation

ANC Nairobi Kenya G XM5144

Africa Peace Forum

APFO 1993 Nairobi Kenya G XG8328

Africa Safari Club

Mombasa Kenya G XG5143

Africa Youth Trust

AYC Nairobi Kenya G XJ5816

African Centre for Empowerment and Gender Advocacy

Nairobi Kenya G XG8826

African Church of the Holy Spirit

ACHS 1933 Shinyalu Kenya G v XG4017


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