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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Mobile Mediterranean University of Mastology

MANOSMED 1992 Ioannina Greece D v XD3242

Near East/South Asia Council of Overseas Schools

NESA 1968 Athens Greece D XD0710

Organisation mondiale des associations pour l'éducation prénatale

OMAEP 1991 Athens Greece D XM0845

World Council of Hellenes Abroad

World SAE 1995 Thessaloniki Greece D XM0299

World Pan Amateur Kickboxing Association

WPKA Thessaloniki Greece D XD9204

Academy of European Public Law

1994 Athens Greece E XK1725

Academy of Operative Dentistry - European Section

AODES 1997 Athens Greece E XE4578


ABM 1990 Athens Greece E XJ0640

Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe

CDRSEE 1998 Thessaloniki Greece E XE3925

Centre of Research and Studies for the Eastern Mediterranean

Mytilene Greece E y XJ1535

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Cedefop 1975 Thessaloniki Greece E g XE5357

European Design for All e-Accessibility Network

EDeAN 2002 Heraklion Greece E d XJ2172

European Group of Public Law

EGPL 1991 Athens Greece E v XE3133

European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - Twinned Cities and Areas in the Mediterranean

EGTC - AMPHICTYONY 1986 Athens Greece E XM2961

European Management Association

EMA 1956 Athens Greece E y XE3560

European Public Law Organization

EPLO 2004 Athens Greece E g XJ1767

European Veterinary Parasitology College

EVPC 2003 Thessaloniki Greece E XE4712

Interbalkan Environment Center

i-BEC 2007 Lagadas Greece E XM5938

International Centre for Black Sea Studies

ICBSS 1998 Athens Greece E XK1891

International Committee of the Mediterranean Games

ICMG 1961 Athens Greece E XE0257

International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries

TPDL 1997 Corfu Greece E c XM4023

International Federation of Primary Care Research Networks

IFPCRN 2001 Heraklion Greece E XM8150

International Federation on Neuroendoscopy

IFNE 2001 Voula Greece E XM2521

International Masonic Order 'DELPHI'

1926 Athens Greece E XE4417

International Olympic Academy

IOA 1949 Athens Greece E XD7008


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