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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Association for Neo-Latin Studies

IANLS 1971 Tallinn Estonia C v XD7837

Association of Baltic Numismatists

ABN 2005 Tallinn Estonia D v XM1582

Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery

BAMPS 1990 Tartu Estonia D XD8704

Baltic Association for Media Research

BAMR 1993 Tartu Estonia D XD5051

Baltic Association of Surgeons

BAS Tallinn Estonia D XD8447

Baltic Child Neurology Association

BCNA 1990 Tartu Estonia D v XD3486

Baltic Council of Ministers

BCM 1994 Tallinn Estonia D g XD5517

Baltic Defence College

BALTDEFCOL 1998 Tartu Estonia D g XM0808

Baltic Road Association

BRA 1989 Tallinn Estonia D XD4325

Baltic Society of Andrology

Tallinn Estonia D XJ3491

Eurasian Coalition on Male Health

ECOM Tallinn Estonia D XJ9368

European Chamber Music Teachers' Association

ECMTA 2007 Tallinn Estonia D XJ0245

European Ventilation Hygiene Association

EVHA 1999 Tallinn Estonia D XD8202

European Young Engineers

EYE 1994 Tallinn Estonia D XD7677

Islands of the Baltic Sea

B7 1989 Kärdla Estonia D g XD5515

Nordens Husflidsforbund

1927 Tallinn Estonia D XD1749

Nordic Network of Narrative Studies

2007 Tartu Estonia D XJ5144


2004 Tartu Estonia D XJ4716

Tallinna Ülikool - Balti filmi, meedia, kunstide ja kommunikatsiooni instituut

2005 Tallinn Estonia D XM2798

Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council

BAAC 2005 Tallinn Estonia E y XM0634

Baltic Medico-Legal Association

BMLA 1990 Tallinn Estonia E XJ1713

European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

eu-LISA 2011 Tallinn Estonia E g XM4608

Baltic Council

1990 Tallinn Estonia F g XF2714

Baltic Naval Squadron

BALTRON 1997 Tallinn Estonia F g XM0803

Baltic Operational Oceanographic System

BOOS Tallinn Estonia F XJ6844


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