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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Union royale belge pour les pays d'outre-mer et l'Europe unie

UROME 1981 Brussels Belgium U x XN0298


Fraipont Belgium U x XQ5471

Université libre européenne

Brussels Belgium U x XG3799


1980 Brussels Belgium U cd XS0071

Verenigde Europese Zelfstandigen

1994 Herentals Belgium U n XN5871

Vereniging ter Verspreiding van de Spaanse en Zuid-Amerikaanse Cultuur

VSZC Loppem Belgium U x XN3743

Vereniging voor Internationale Relaties

VIRA Brussels Belgium U x XG5136

Vereniging voor Ontwikkelingshulp en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking - PARAMED-BRUGGE-KISANTU

Bruges Belgium U x XN5579

Vereniging voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Mol

VOM Mol Belgium U x XN5514

Verona Forum for Peace and Reconciliation on the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia

Brussels Belgium U x XG2391

Via Romana

Waudrez Belgium U x XN7368

Vita User Group Benelux

Brussels Belgium U x XN1498

Vivant, le

Wavre Belgium U x XN8879

Vivre comme avant

Brussels Belgium U x XN2842

Voiliers sans frontières

VSF Quaregnon Belgium U x XN1430

Voix nomades - Centre international de l'oralité - Institut de formation aux arts de la parole

Tilly-Villers-la-Ville Belgium U jx XN5886

Volonté internationale de coopération

Brussels Belgium U x XN7949

Volonté sans frontière

Châtelet Belgium U x XN9815

Vormingscentrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Interkulturele Training

Brussels Belgium U x XN4837

VoteWatch Europe

2009 Brussels Belgium U d XM5708

Waase Actiegroep Indiaans Amerika

WAIA Mechelen Belgium U x XN1152


Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium U x XN1581

West-East Consciousness Network

Brussels Belgium U x XN2040

Women's Overseas for Equality

WOE 1971 Brussels Belgium U x XG5328

Working Group for Mapping Bryophytes in Europe

WGMBE Robertville Belgium U x XN9218


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