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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Atelier européen d'apprentissage et de production des arts de la scène

AEAPAS 1992 Brussels Belgium U x XN5965

Atelier graphique européen

AGE Charleroi Belgium U x XN2229

Atlantic Visitors Association

AVA Brussels Belgium U x XN0178

Audio-Visuele Missie-en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking

AVIMO 1984 Leuven Belgium U x XG3344

Ayudanos International

2000 Mons Belgium U x XN9697

Babbage Institute for Knowledge and Information Technology

BIKIT 1985 Ghent Belgium U jx XG5170

Babbar Khalsa International

Brussels Belgium U x XN7572

Baltic Information Centre, Brussels

1991 Brussels Belgium U x XN4408

Bana Lipopo

Brussels Belgium U x XN4438

Banque européenne de données démographiques

1986 Liège Belgium U x XU6222

Batoto Foundation International

Brussels Belgium U fx XN9012

Belgian Association for Development Cooperation

BADECO Third World Tilff Belgium U x XG8463

Belgian International Research Cooperation

BIRCO Ganshoren Belgium U x XN8529

Benelux Historic Regularity Challenge

BHRC Hoboken Belgium U x XN6305

Benelux Pen Collectors' Association, Brussels

BPCA 1988 Brussels Belgium U x XN9103

Best Model of Belgium, Flandres, Wallonie, Bruxelles, Benelux, Europe

Brussels Belgium U x XN8974

Beta Cell Transplant

1989 Brussels Belgium U x XN4614

Beverage Can Makers Europe

BCME 1990 Brussels Belgium U d XD2488

Bibliothèque et archives africaines, Bruxelles

Brussels Belgium U x XN3647

Boerenbondstichting voor Oost-Europa

Leuven Belgium U x XN6082

Brussels-Europe Film Foundation

2002 Brussels Belgium U fx XF6724

Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals Committee

BPCC Brussels Belgium U x XK1118

Bureau d'information et de communication sur l'Afrique

BICA Brussels Belgium U x XN8256

Bureau d'informations européennes

Brussels Belgium U x XN1993

Bureau européen de l'agriculture française

Brussels Belgium U x XN6536


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