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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Around the World Association

ATWA Brussels Belgium U x XN4818

Ars Medica pro Humanitate International

1988 Ottignies Belgium U x XF4517

Art et culture internationale

Grivegnée Belgium U x XN8232

Art Master International

Brussels Belgium U x XN5882

Art sans frontières

2001 Liège Belgium U x XN6290

Arthur K Watson International Education Centre

La Hulpe Belgium U x XN2351

Artistes européens associés

AEA 1989 Brussels Belgium U d XN3844

Arts Access International

Liège Belgium U x XN4547

Arusha School on International Criminal Law and Human Rights

Brussels Belgium U x XG7590

Asian Business Contact Centre

ABCC 1989 Linkebeek Belgium U x XN4581

Asian Industrial Development Association

AIDA Folx-les-Caves Belgium U tx XG5369

Asociación Belgo-Ibero-Americana

ABIA 1931 Halle Belgium U x XN5543

Asociación Latinoamericana de los Circulos Europeos

ALACIRE Brussels Belgium U x XN5422

Asociación Latinomusica

Brussels Belgium U x XN4958

Assemblée chrétienne internationale parole vivante

ACIPV Brussels Belgium U x XN5674

Assistance for Cooperation in Trans-European Training

ACTT 1991 Mouscron Belgium U x XN4833

Association belge de latino américanistes

Brussels Belgium U x XN6706

Association Belgique-Luxembourg-Thaïlande

Beluthaï Brussels Belgium U x XN2775

Association Benelux pour les éleveurs de cervidés

ABEC Nassogne Belgium U x XN5853

Association Chile-Europe de coopération, formation et intégration

Brussels Belgium U x XN6304

Association culturelle Europe-Ukraine

Zoloti Vorota Brussels Belgium U x XQ0098

Association d'aide aux scientifiques et intellectuels algériens et leurs amis du Benelux

ASSIABEL 2001 Brussels Belgium U x XQ0185

Association de la nouvelle voie mondiale 'Miilli Görüs'

Hensies Belgium U x XN4338

Association de professionnels et chercheurs du Sud

APPROCHE 1989 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium U tx XN5102

Association de recherches appliquées dans la Communauté

ARCA 1990 Hove Belgium U x XN5476


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